the Little Acre Full Text Walkthrough + Achievements [BY: tsupertsundere]
the Little Acre Full Text Walkthrough + Achievements [BY: tsupertsundere]
更新済み 3 years ago 投稿者: UnityWeb32

Introduction and Notes This is a one-to-one transcription of the videos posted in this guide posted on Steam by user Kitty Skies. The video walkthroughs are by the Hidden Levels.


Two playthroughs are recommended - one for speedrunning and asking for a hint, and one to get all the other achievements, as well as going through with no hints or solutions to puzzles given to you. Save your speedrunning achievement for your second playthrough. Getting through this game with this guide in under an hour shouldn't be too difficult a task.

By watching a playthrough while transcribing and doing my first playthrough on my own, I managed to get every achievement (except for the 'use a solution' one) AND the speedrun achievement in one run through. Pausing the game by hitting the escape key stops the clock. I did also exit to menu and continue the game and got the achievement, so that seems to be safe, too.

You'll get story-based unmissable achievements as you go through the game - I won't mark those. I will mark missable achievements with (ACHIEVEMENT).

Part One Don't Wake Lily!

  • Click the shirt overtop the dog to snag it.
  • Wait until the dog yawns, then snatch the stick out of his mouth.
  • Equip the stick, then click the pants on the back of the chair
  • Aidan puts on pants, then finds an old sandwich in his pocket. Give it to the dog.
  • Dougal the dog's breath turns foul. Poke him with the stick to get him to turn over and breathe on the little girl.
  • Lily, the little girl, rolls over and off your sweater. Toss the sandwich onto the sweater, and Dougal will snatch it, roll over, and bring it within reach.
  • Use the stick on the sweater in Dougal's mouth when is mouth is open, and you'll get the sweater while he gnaws on the stick.
  • Get the boots right next to the bed.
  • Aidan is all dressed, Dougal climbs down the ladder, and Lily covers her head with a pillow. Aidan is in the clear.
  • Click on the ladder to follow Dougal.

WATER You Up To?

  • Pick up the waterjug on the back-right table, then leave the house.
  • Open the mailbox and click the letter, package, and newspaper. After the monologue, return to your house.
  • Walk toward the camera and the scene will expand to show you the full house. Walk towards the right, pick up the stepladder, and exit out the back door to the right.
  • Continue to walk to the right until Aidan walks into the background.
  • Use the water jug on the pump, then hit the pump. The handle will break off and end up in your inventory.
  • Use the handle on the shed door to the right and head inside.
  • Right in front of Aidan is a pitchfork on the ground - pick it up and leave the shed.
  • Back outside, use the pitchfork on the tree stump next to the pump.
  • Use your ungodly creation on the water pump, which activates it and fills the jug.
  • Pick it up and head back inside.

Generator Activation

  • Head into the room underneath the ladder, Arthur's room.
  • Pick up the white and red mask on the bed.
  • Click on the console to enter into it.
  • Turn the top dial on the left to the fourth setting, and turn the bottom dial to the third setting.
  • Place the crystal you got from the package into the indent, and the water jug into the funnel.
  • (ACHIEVEMENT) Before you light things correctly, light the panels like this, with X being the lit panel. ooox oxoo oxxo xooo Achievement get!
  • To activate the generator, light the lights like this: ooxo oxxx xooo oooo
  • Leave the room!
  • Head outside to the shed once again.

The Dance is Key

  • The generator is on, so hit the switch on the wall to turn on the lights.
  • Head over all the way to the right.
  • There's something to pick up at the very top of the shelves. Try to pick it up, and Aiden will break the lowermost shelf.
  • Deploy the footstool you had picked up, try again, and reach for it!
  • Aiden breaks the stool, knocks the puzzle box over, and opens up the strange metal thing nearby.
  • Pick up the puzzle box and return into the house.
  • Walk toward the fireplace, and use the mask on Dougal who's chillin. It startles him and he barks, waking Lily.
  • After Lily leaps onto Dougal, use the puzzle box on her.
  • Lily does some dance moves, hinting as to how you solve the puzzle box.
  • (ACHIEVEMENT) You have to get this right on the first try. Select, counterclockwise from top: 2, 1, 3, 4.
  • It opens to reveal a key. Pick that bad boy up!
  • Return to the shed.
  • Use the key in the keyhole inside the metal tube that had opened up.

Breakfast Adventures

  • You're Lily now!
  • Turn to look at the breakfast behind her.
  • Check the oat bag - it's empty! Lily breaks the cup, too, by accident.
  • Click Dougal to 'use' him on things - use him on the string attached to the bottom-most cupboard on the cupboard on the left.
  • Then open the cupboard yourself and narrowly avoid death. Lily carries the bowl back to the little table.
  • (ACHIEVEMENT) To get the achievement, you have to do this on the first try. Use Dougal on the door, then AS FAST AS POSSIBLE click on the oat bag hanging at the top of the laundry line, at the top right corner of the screen. Lily will dart to the right and climb up the cupboard to jump and grab the oats. If you're too slow, Dougal will stop you.
  • Click on the black pot hanging behind Dougal. Lily puts it in the fireplace. Put the oats in the pot, and Lily will automatically put the water in the pot, too. She did it all by herself! Part Two The Little Aiden
  • You're Aiden now! Click to get up. -Walk over to the lower right side of the screen to look at the pile of stuff. Pick up the hat and the orb underneath it.
  • (ACHIEVEMENT) To get this achievement, you have to open the door on the first try. If you mess up, you can quit out and try it again and it should 'reset' your attempts. Okay, so, take the orb and use it on the socket on the very left of the screen. Then remove the orb as fast as you can and use it on the socket immediately to the right of it. Together that should open the big door, and give you your achievement. (NOTE! If you're going for the speedrun achievement, I don't know if exiting out and trying again ♥♥♥♥♥ with the achievement or not. Beware!)
  • The scene will switch back to Lily
  • Lily's out front of her house. Walk over to the right to an old jalopy
  • There's a wrench sticking out of the hood of the tractor. Try to grab it. The hood snaps open - dig inside the engine to get the belt.
  • Search inside the coal hutch on the left side of the screen to get a bone
  • Walk to the right of the screen. Use the 'rope' in your inventory (the fan belt) on the branch.
  • Click on the rope to have Lily sit in it. When she's sitting in it, give the bone to Dougal.
  • Dougal pulls on the rope and catapults Lily all the way to her little Shoppe.
  • After a monologue, Lily returns to her front yard.
  • (ACHIEVEMENT) With the sword now in your inventory, click on the gnome to behead it and get an achievement!
  • Return to your home, and it switches back to Aiden.

Lantern Madness

  • Spot that lantern next to the large rock. Touch it, and it'll make a bridge across the river. Cross the bridge.
  • Touch the lantern on this new island. Head across the new path towards the door.
  • DO NOT touch this yellow lantern next to the door - pass by it and head up to the blue lantern. Touch THAT one.
  • Loop around and head into the door.
  • Back again as Lily. Head to her grandad's room.
  • (ACHIEVEMENT) There's a button on the floor next to the bed. Pressing it raises and lowers the blind. Do that 20 or so times. Achievement get!
  • Get the Teddy bear and head to the shed.
  • Use the Teddy bear in the portal. He transports away!
  • Pick up the piece of paper to Dougal's left. Use the paper on Dougal.
  • Jump into the portal! The crystal shatters - there's no coming back that way.
  • You're Aiden again.
  • Touch the lantern once again. DO NOT touch this next lantern - go down toward the bottom of the screen. Touch that lantern, then head up the newly revealed path.
  • Touch the lantern here and end up back near where you started.
  • Go down and touch the lantern you passed by before, then head up towards the door.
  • Touch that lantern, then head toward the blue one at the top of the screen.
  • U kno what to do!
  • After touching the blue lantern, head down to the lantern on the far left of the screen. Touch that one
  • Loop around the new path and up. Touch the lantern in the middle of the screen to head up and through the door.

Rapid Perspective Hopping

  • Lily appears where Aiden appeared. Follow his path out the door.
  • You're Aiden again! Head up.
  • You meet Merr!
  • Aaaaand you're Lily again. Click the lantern to break it. Head across the bridge.
  • (ACHIEVEMENT) You have to do this fast. Head up and a monster will leap out of the water and wrap Lily in its tongue. Use the sword in your inventory on the tongue. If you're fast enough, you'll get the achievement. You MIGHT be able to quit out to get this achievement again. The achievement unlocks in the loading screen. I'd probably just make a save right before
  • Now you're Aiden. Merr's telling a long-ass story. Follow him up through the passageway. Part Three Repairman
  • Walk to the left side of the room to pick up Merr's glove.
  • Walk up to the recepticle in front of the water basin with the array of blocks in it. Use the hat in the recepticle.
  • Walk to the right and through the doorway, then up. Use the glove on the blue crystal on the wall.
  • Use the glove/crystal combo on the side of the machine Merr is working on.
  • Merr gets shocked and kicks his toolbox open. Pick up the screwdriver that fell out of it.
  • Walk to the right and up the curved wooden staircase.
  • (ACHIEVEMENT) See that purple flower up top? Touch it about 20 or so times. Achievement get!
  • When that's done, use the screwdriver on the purple flower to release water.
  • Walk back to the machine and to the doorway to its left. There's another 4x4 grid.
  • The pattern to open these flowers is the same as the achievement up above. Here it is again, with x being the opened flower: ooox oxoo oxxo xooo

Flower Schenanigans

  • You're Lily again!
  • The monster spits her out on some distant shore. Head up to meet another pal.
  • You're Aidan again! He heads back to the portal he arrived in, and returns to his normal world to find Dougal alone.
  • After a conversation with Nina, she takes Aiden back to her lab.
  • You're Lily again!
  • Click on the vine hanging from the platform. It falls, but you have it now!
  • Use Bugsy with the ledge up above, and he gives you a boost.
  • Jump into the flower to come out of the lower flower.
  • Head through the pen door with Bugsy and walk down.
  • A bat squirrel, unfortunately, steals your wings.
  • Walk to the right and up to trigger more dialogue.
  • Head to the right and pick up the Birrel fur.
  • Head back to Bugsy and use the fur on him. He runs up to the flowers. Jump into the middle flower.

A LABorious Undertaking

  • You're Aidan now, at Nina's lab.
  • You gotta sneak in. Head to the platform.
  • Go up the ladder.
  • Use the mask on the cat on the vines to scare it. It breaks the pot. Search inside the pot to get a key.
  • Open the padlock on the grate under the window with the key. You'll get the padlock on a chain.
  • Use the padlock on the door.
  • Open the grate to let the cat inside.
  • The worker inside opens the window and leaves. That's your way in!
  • Open the window to your left and head outside.
  • Try to shimmy across the ledge. The angry pigeon snaps at Aiden and a feather gets caught in the bush above him. Grab it quickly before it blows away! If it does, just attempt it again until you grab it.
  • Use the feather on the cat to Aiden's left.
  • The cat chases the bird away for you!
  • Continue to shimmy to Nina's lab, and go down the ladder
  • Walk up the short steps into the door to Nina's workshop.
  • Walk up to the elevator to head back upstairs.
  • Walk to the left to the oven. Click on it to take what you need, then hop out the window toward the lab once again.
  • (ACHIEVEMENT) Before you shimmy over to Nina's lab, select the Magnetron in your inventory and try to drop it over the ledge.
  • Go back to Nina's workshop and return Magnetron to her.
  • Walk into the portal. Part Four Boss Fight
  • You're Lily again! Head up until the cutscene triggers.
  • You're Aiden again. Walk down and o the right and spot... Lily? Keep following her to the right.
  • That's not Lily!
  • You're Lily again. She gets startled by a monster and runs away.
  • There's Bugsy! And... you have to rescue your dad!
  • Click on your dad to distract the monster.
  • Use Bugsy with the the broken staircase and he boosts you up.
  • Use the vine on the monster - it whips it out of your hands.
  • Have your dad distract the monster again.
  • Use Bugsy on the vine on the floor.
  • Jump down on your dad!
  • Use the vine in Bugsy's mouth and tie it to the broken turrent below you. Push the turret off the cliff, and the monster will go with it!
  • Aidan falls, too, and Lily jumps after him.


  • Walk down and to the left to trigger another cutscene.
  • Follow Merr down!
  • The water monster separates Aidan and Lilly. Aidan continues to follow Merr while you control Lilly.
  • Head up through the doorway where the machine was.
  • Walk up to the reflecting pool and examine it to watch a projection.
  • After the cutscene, walk down to the machine and take the glove from its side.
  • Talk to Nina over the radio.
  • Take the glove for real this time. The portal closes.
  • Go back outside, and walk down and to the right. Use the glove on the monster's mouth, where the gas is.
  • Try to climb up on the monster - both Bugsy and the water monster help Lily get into the portal.
  • Enjoy the cutscenes, you've beaten the game!
  • If you completed the speedrun in enough time, it should unlock right at the beginning of the credits. If you didn't use any hints or any solutions, you should get those achievements at the same time, too.

If you follow this guide and get the speedrun achievement, the only one left that you need is the one for using a solution. Simply start the game again, and instead of picking Aiden's shirt off of Dougal, open the inventory and click the 'notes' tab. Click on 'show hint' and then 'show solution'. The achievement will pop, and you should have your 100%!


投稿日 3 years ago
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投稿日 3 years ago