About super NT
Île-de-France, France


I recently submitted a run for the maxout that was accepted but it may be a problem for you.

As I precised in the comment I used the analogue super NT to do this run which is a pretty accurate clone system of the super nintendo entertainment system and the super famicom. You've discuss in a previous thread on emulation but for the case of super nt it does not work as an emulator, it's an fpga that behave as the real hardware of the snes/sfc.

I've seen that even speed demo archive allows the usage of the super nt since it is accurate, whereas they do not allow the usage of emulators and other clone systems. (see https://kb.speeddemosarchive.com/Allowed_Clone_Consoles)

I would like to know your position if you may accept runs performed on this system or if you prefer to do the same rule as for emulators. In the case you choose to not allow super nt, you should remove my record from this board. If you allow its usage, I suppose I will have to precise the buffer mode that has been used to record the video.

Thanks for considering the subject.

投稿日 3 years ago
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投稿日 3 years ago
投稿日 4 years ago
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