6 years ago
Texas, USA

Just wondering what kind of categories this game will end up having when more runs get submitted. Was planning on doing a 100% run of the game, but was wondering what difficulty I should attempt it at if we will be splitting it up by difficulty that is. Also what kind of run (burn, neutral, corrupt) as well.

Will there be a 100% and an Any% for each of the types of runs at each of the difficulties?

Pays de la Loire, France

Hey! I'm not already running the game but I planned to do it ^^ I think that we can propose all the categories imaginable in all difficulties available, as it seems that there is no problem in creating multiple categories on If some stay empty, it's not a problem too. A thing we can discuss right now is to separate PC and PS4 leaderboards, as it will probably be determinant at a certain level (I'm speedrunning Furi and we are experiencing that right now, discussing of splitting leaderboards because PS4 will never overcome PC because of technical reasons). Also, as we can't add a timer on PS4, or actually not everyone, it would be nice to use IGT timer for submission, instead of RTA (don't know what is the rule right now). So the categories could take into account Any%/100%+Difficulty+Burn/Neutral/Corrupt+PC/PS4. Another question I'm thinking about : how defining 100% ? All Elder shards + all bosses + full skill tree + all "talents" (sorry I don't remember the exact english word...), I think that's all ^^

Waiting for feedbacks! I hope being soon with you guys, running Sundered ^^ ! Cya!

Texas, USA

Would say 100% would be when then save slot says 100% on it, but don't know all requirements for each percentage. Know you need all perks, but don't know if they need to be tier 3, and don't know about how much of skill tree either.

I would define the categories as below:

Neutral any%: kill final boss Corrupt (Embrace) any%: corrupt all abilities then final boss Burn (Resist) any%: burn all shards the kill final boss

Neutral "Progress: 100%": kill final boss and save slot reads 100. Corrupt (Embrace) "Progress 100%" same as above, but corrupt all abilities. Burn (Resist) "Progress 100%": same but burn.

Edit: Just got the 100% on a run with as minimal as possible. To get the account to read 100% Progress, just need all the shards, all the bosses, and all the perks. Don't need all tier 3 perks, or all skill tree, or even the roll attack in the first area. Could have that as another 3 categories if we wanted:

Neutral True 100%: kill final boss, unlock full skill tree, all tier 3 perks, and roll attack unlocked. Could even have all rooms have to be dimmed, so all crystal and lock rooms "completed" (All crystals listened to, and locked rooms successfully navigated through.) Corrupt (Embrace) True 100% same as above, but corrupt all abilities. Burn (Resist) True 100%: same but burn.

編集者 投稿者 6 years ago
Texas, USA

Sorry for the double post, but I got 2 runs I want to submit and not sure how to do that with only Any% being the option to submit for.

Did a run of Neutral 100%, which I got done in 3:01:49 IGT (didn't have a timer set up while I was running it sadly. If needed can edit one in just so its visible while the run is going. Video:

Also did another run of Embrace Any%, this time with my splits and a small banner for flare. RTA or 2:54:16, and IGT of 2:45:51. Not sure what we want to go buy, cause I know the IGT can be a bit wonky at times, and load times do effect things. Would be nice to be able to route without worrying about load times... Video:

I have submitted the above one, because it is TECHNICALLY an any% run, even if is slower than the current record. I am trying out a True 100% resist run right now, where I unlock literally everything in the game (See my above post), just so if we do go with those categories, there is a "standard" so people can see them, and want to beat them. Hopefully get a few more people trying to run this fantastic game.

編集者 投稿者 6 years ago
New Orleans, LA, USA

It seems like the only moderator for this game hasn't been online in two months. I've also submitted an any% run and I've been waiting on that for a while.

Texas, USA

Hmm, anyway for a new moderator to be assigned? New to the site really, just joined cause I really enjoy running this game.

New Orleans, LA, USA

I sent an email to support. We'll see if we can get some stuff going on here

Texas, USA

Perfect. If you don't mind, keep me up to date on that. Keep meaning to tweet at the moderator, but keep forgetting too, and i think i saw a moderator request here:

Just a little gun shy about actually requesting it, but I am willing to become the moderator.

New Orleans, LA, USA

Oh good news. I'm a moderator here now. I've added in the ability to add both the IGT and the RTA to the list, and the following categories: 100%, Resist%, Embrace%. I dont think separate 100% runs for resist and embrace are all that necessary, since it's just going slightly out of your way to pick up perks. I also moved Alpha% and Beta% to Misc, since I doubt those will be run anymore (Seems Septic_Llama only did those two and has never done a full release run)

Edit: You should submit your neutral 100% to the 100% category.

編集者 投稿者 6 years ago
Texas, USA

It's good to finally see other people running this game. My first run was almost 5 hours, and I got it down to sub 2h30 before getting discouraged by seeing no one else on the boards. Seeing a new time ahead of me makes me want to pick it up again :)

@Warthermair , I've tested the IGT a few times and even submitted a post on Reddit asking TL about it - - the IGT still passes during load screens - but not consistently, obviously, because RTA still lags about 10-15 minutes behind IGT.

Because of the inconsistencies with IGT I think it makes sense to track times by RTA, unless others have gotten a more consistent test with the IGT in recent patches.

Texas, USA

While I'm at it, I have some questions on how we define our timers.

On my Neutral% runs, I start RTA when IGT starts (clicking "yes" after selecting the difficulty), and end it on the final hit of the final boss. I noticed that @Warthermair mentioned he waits until he loses control of his character in the 100% run. In the spirit of fairness, I figured it would be worth starting a conversation around what rules we should follow for tracking times (again since the IGT is so wonky)

New Orleans, LA, USA

Does that final portal not spawn if you're over to the side after the neutral boss? If that final portal actually requires a user action, perhaps it would be better to do it on loss of control, but as far as I was aware, it was just on a set timer after boss death.

Texas, USA

In neutral endings, after the bosses does his finishes his dying animation, you will lose control of you character and run to the middle of the screen to end the game. I feel this lose of control should be the end point because, for the simple reason, the ARE still spikes on the far right of the screen, and it is possible to die on them... no matter how truly unlikely.

For the embrace ending, I've timed the ending as the last input, which is using the void scythe to kill good Eshe.

Similarly for the resist ending, I stop time when the bullet destroys the last face of the last boss.

New Orleans, LA, USA

Those are some good arguments for it. I'll switch all of the rules for it. It's something that we can use going forward but I dont think it invalidates our current runs because five or six seconds is nothing in the current state of the game.

Texas, USA

So I brought up the idea of a True 100% of this game since getting 100% isn't doing "EVERYTHING" in the game. Don't have to fill out the map, open all the locks, hit all the gems in the lore rooms, getting every perk in the skill tree, or get rank 3 of every perk.

With the eldritch edition now out, there is also the re-fights of all the bosses, including the final boss is slightly different as well. (I have only done the resist ending with it, but the full left side of the wall is covered in thorns. Just wanted to bring the idea back of doing it, though due to the small amount of people currently running the game, I am fine with just not touching on this idea yet.

New Orleans, LA, USA

I dunno if you've done the refights yet but the main boss refights are RIDICULOUS even on easy difficulty.

Edit: Saw your post in the other topic and I guess you have done them. Yeah I have absolutely no intention of doing the refights, lol

編集者 投稿者 5 years ago
Texas, USA

Refights are tough, but if doing the "True" 100%, you would have all the talents and tier 4 perks, making everything child's play IMO.

Texas, USA

I started running the game again today after trying out Eldritch edition, and I've been routing a run on Easy for Any% - but I realize this would probably be a different category.

The moon jump discovered in the other thread is definitely useful for scouting out Area 3, getting the keys for the A3 boss + abilities - but using a route similar to the one I was using in my old runs I'm finding I'm still having to do some farming. I've been meaning to check out the other runs to see if there's better optimizations I could make than just farming the same A3 chest N times, lol

I'm glad to see some more activity on these forums than a year ago when I was doing my old runs.

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