Dialogues time
8 years ago

I will post here to prevent data from lost. In case new strats been found (can get rid off some lines) we don't have to retime it again.

Language \ Meyz Mul \ 1st Council Line \ 2nd Council \ 3rd Council \ Summary Japanese \ 7,04 \ 8,12 \ 6,13 \ 6,67 \ 27,96 Russian \ 7,45 \ 7,77 \ 5,58 \ 7,99 \ 28,79 Polish \ 6,43 \ 6,14 \ 5,30 \ 8,56 \ 26,43 German \ 6,78 \ 6,83 \ 5,83 \ 7,81 \ 27,25 Italian \ 7,38 \ 8,42 \ 5,84 \ 6,75 \ 28,39 Spanish \ 7,38 \ 7,75 \ 7,26 \ 8,83 \ 31,22 French \ 7,04 \ 6,14 \ 5,49 \ 6,83 \ 25,50 English \ 7,30 \ 6,69 \ 5,89 \ 6,69 \ 26,57

Ingajke これを好き

Little update folks. There is one more line we don't skip at current route. Line is located at the cutscene after first fast travel. "Let those that watch from Sovngarde envy us this day!" Timed only top 3 languages:

Language / Time / Summary English / 5.24 / 31.84 French / 5.63 / 31.13 Polish / 5.50 / 31.93

French is 0.71 seconds faster over English

Canary Islands

Wait so English is faster than Spanish! Why is there such a big deal with the spanish translations we have to download?


Spanish used to make the cutscene on the mountain faster, but since all the dialog in it can now be skipped it's no longer relevant.

編集者 投稿者 7 years ago
Wall_Of_SPain これを好き