9 years ago
California, USA

So it has been brought to my attention that people want to have a "Star Fox Block" at an upcoming GDQ. I am all for this idea, we just need some communication and cooperation. First thing we have to decide on is, do we want to shoot for AGDQ (Jan. 3-10) or SGDQ (usually end of July). Both have their perks but we need runners, and which ever GDQ we decide on will most likely come down to which one people can get to and/or not interfere with their schedule. Once we decide on this we will have to pick the games we want to premeir, and choose what percents, difficulties, if its a race or not, or maybe we do some goofy type of run. This stuff needs to be prepared before we start requesting anything from GDQ, because (trust me) they don't care much about Star Fox but I am 100% sure we can get our games in if we honestly want to. We do have a Discord channel for SF where you can pm me, or you can just email me.

Discord: Email:

Tennessee, USA

I'm submitting for AGDQ this year, and tbh I'm thinking about a race. I think, if we all got together and performed a race of Star Fox SNES 1.2, with commentators, that may show the complexity of the game.

Of course, I just now picked up a 1.2, and I've been running 1.0 for a while now. We'll see how the change is ;-)

投稿日 7 years ago
投稿日 8 years ago
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投稿日 9 years ago
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