Final Fight Cutscene SKIP! & Spring Abuses
Final Fight Cutscene SKIP! & Spring Abuses
更新済み 7 years ago 投稿者: gulpt

So all of the springs in Runbow, (minus some exceptions which I will get into) have the same rules. And they are: 1: You CAN double jump during the time you spend in the air to preserve your horizontal momentum. 2: You CAN use your Upwards attack but it DOES NOT allow preservation of horizontal movement. 3. You CAN use your Dashing Attack, while in the air phase but is basically pointless in most cases. (Except Satura Cutscene Delay). 4. Upon landing, enhanced horizontal movement can be maintained if you jump again within frames of landing. I don't know exactly what the window for this is but someone has to be able to figure it out.

Application to Speedrun: Obviously, increased horizontal movement is nice, but there are only two levels in the Any% run that can use this trick. (I Bowlieve in You, and I Lava You). The 100% completion takes much better advantage of this.

Exceptions to the Rules:

Vertical Springs: These offer no horizontal movement boosts, so everything I mentioned does not apply.

Boss Springs: Springs leading into boss fights have special rules. Everything applies except no double jumps. Unfortunately, there is only one boss fight with preloaded platforms for us to try and land on; which leads me to...

Satura Cutscene Skip: The only boss Spring with preloaded platforms is the final fight. By timing our horizontal attack, we are able to land in front of the cutscene trigger. Well, not really, the cutscene still plays, but you can hit Satura during it. The correct timing is right before you hit the ground. If you do it correctly, you will become stuck in an invisible wall. Tap towards Satura a few times to get through, and the cutscene will play. But now you have free mobility! Now get to Satura as fast as possible!
