Request for "Turbo" categories creation
1 year ago

Hi fellow Rhythm Sprout players ! Really impressed by your runs ! I'll do my best to enter the leaderboard ^^

Would it be possible to add "Turbo" categories ? I did two attempts of "Tubo Main Story" this morning (same rules as current "Main story" category, but with Turbo modifier activated for each level), my PB is currently 48:14:47. I'll post it on YT, and tomorrow I'll post a Turbo Prequel Story run as well.

Hope you'll agree to create the Turbo categories ! :) Thank you very much for your work, and long live this fantastic game !

編集者 投稿者 1 year ago
one_odd_ocelot これを好き
Maryland, USA

Hello Nano_Gusto, and welcome to the RS speedrunning community!

Great suggestions! I went ahead and created those categories and made slight rules adjustments to account for using turbo. Happy running! :)


Thank you very much One_odd_ocelot !! ^^

I can submit my 48:14:47 Main Story Turbo run (YouTube upload is in progress) which is compliant with the category rules... except for one thing : I hit the wrong Livesplit hotkey at the "Continue" button after King Sugar Daddy (I play with the gamepad, and I usually use "Enter" keyboard key as Livesplit hotkey when required - but there I got confused and used the gamepad to Continue ^^). It took me a few seconds to notice it & hit the correct hotkey in order to end the KSD timer and start the CH one :( Consequently, King Sugar Daddy split is a few seconds too long and Cloud Highway split is a few seconds too short - the global chrono is not affected. Does it invalidate the run ? (If it does, no problem, I plan to beat my own time ASAP :)) Thanks in advance !!

one_odd_ocelot これを好き
Florida, USA

@Nano_Gusto timer issues don’t have to do anything with a valid run, since moderators manually retime runs themselves

one_odd_ocelot これを好き
Maryland, USA

@Nano_Gusto No worries, you should be fine. Feel free to send that run in. I'll make a note and assuming everything else looks good, we'll get you up on the leaderboard. :)


Thank you very much !! Sorry I should have waited for the next run - I just made a new run of 48:00,23 without split issue (this time I just made an accidental, brief return to the selection screen after King Sugar Daddy - he really cursed me ! Hope it won't be blocking neither ^^) I also have a 14:14.29 run for Prequel Story Turbo category. I just launched both uploads on YT. Thank you very much once again and have a very nice day !

one_odd_ocelot これを好き
Maryland, USA

@Nano_Gusto looking forward to checking out your runs ^^

投稿日 1 year ago
投稿日 1 year ago
投稿日 1 year ago
投稿日 1 year ago
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