Sorry for Inactivity + Best ways to contact me
2 years ago

Sorry for the inactivity, this game isn't very alive and I don't check here super often. If you have a question or need to contact me, the best place to do that is on one of my shitposts masquerading as a YouTube video. Feel free to randomly say "Hey I submitted a run to Puzzle Quest check it out" on any of my awful content and I'll respond and check it out. My Steam and Discord are less ideal because I never am actually told why you're adding me so I just generally presume it's a random and ignore it. If this place wasn't so dead I'd make a Discord or something but I can't be arsed. So yeah, if you have a question, comment or anything, go onto my YouTube account ( and just comment somewhere on there, I'll see the notification, read it and respond/check out here if I have to.

If anyone wants to mod this place, just ask and I'll probably accept you (provided you ask on say, somewhere I can be reached and not on here), someone who checks this place more than three times a year would probably be good.

Take care everyone! Kind regards,

  • Lobster
編集者 投稿者 2 years ago