Blade Mountain
Blade Mountain
更新済み 8 years ago 投稿者: RSR

Example Video:

This level is entirely movement based, there are no tricks or anything, so I'm only going to talk about the movement mechanics that make you go fastest.

You move fastest when going straight, and slow down when turning. (At least when you're on the ground.) This means that you should do all of your turning in midair after jumps, and try to line pac up so that you can just go straightforwards to the next part.

In the last area, if you have it memorized you can go for some pretty cool jumps (saves around a second). I'd recommend memorizing it just so you don't make any stupid mistakes and die on one of the easiest levels in the run.

Really there isn't much to talk about, all you can do is practice your movement to get faster.

投稿日 4 years ago
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