Updated the Rules for Treasure Log
Updated the Rules for Treasure Log
投稿日 2 years ago 投稿者:

It now includes "Rerolling" you may reroll stages by entering the briefing screen and leaving. This doesn't cost IGT and in a perfect run you would do this endlessly for the best stage. So I have placed a limit of 3 free rerolls per mission and after that it will cost 5 seconds per reroll on that mission. If you roll the same stage back to back then it wont count towards your rerolls. But if its not back to back like in the case of Dressrosa, Mirror World, Dressrosa. then it will still cost your rerolls. This should curb extreme unluckiness, but keep the category from being a slot machine simulator for like 5 hours as well.

Anime Speedruns Festival May 3rd to May 5th

We are hosting our annual ASF (Anime Speedruns Festival)! I myself will be doing my best to do a NG+ run with the final patch and try to show off as much of the new characters and content as possible. Things like Koby training might not fit but Yamato and potentially Roger's additional content are l

7 months ago
投稿日 1 month ago
投稿日 2 years ago
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