New Moderators
3 years ago
United Kingdom

Hi everyone!

I'd like to make this post to officially announce two new members of the Mod Team, Corayzy and xenojoe!

They'll be on a 3-month trial period as of today and should there be no issues in that time, they will join as Super Mods at the end of the trail time.

Both have offered to help out prior to the decision to add extra moderators and so were top of my list. This now means we have two differing timezones active to verify runs in a faster manner.

As with anything, if anyone has any issues with the way the board is run, please do not hesitate to contact me (or the new guys!) about it - please don't keep it to yourself or cause unnecessary discourse over something that can be talked through!

If the run continues to grow and there is a need for addition moderators, another announcement will be made for applications should you wish to help out.

Once again, welcome to our new moderators, and happy speedrunning <3

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
nyiddle, bloggsjoe, そして Corayzy これを好き
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