All Pilows, All Attack-Pieces, All Quests and All Beans Category?
3 years ago
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Could have Categories pick up all Attacks Pieces, Pillows, etc., and too All Quests

DONUTS64 これを好き

All Expert Challenges already covers all Attack Pieces and all Pi'illos (You need to have excellent with each attak AND you have to revive all 52(?) Pi'illos to obtain one of the attacks) and is a category that I plan to run one day (and by saying this I must do it now as a promise). Quests aren't necessary, nor are beans.

If you want a 100% run, then I would probably do:

All Expert Challenges, which includes all attacks and all Pi'illos All Beans, all badges, all blocks. All S-Ranks for the Skillathon/Broque Madame challenges and all puzzles for Kylie Koopa. And of course All Bosses + X Bosses (which subsequently requires all Ultibed Parts)

Basically, all trackable things that can be undone. You can only track blocks at the end of the game which sucks, but it IS trackable. This is very very very arbitrary though as there is no official 100% list.

Though do not expect either All Expert Challenges and especially not 100% to ever appear on the leaderboards. Maybe expect All Bosses, I do want to run this and this isn't too arbitrary in my opinion. [I do have a bad habit of not running for a bit after PBing so expect a few months before I actually start doing All Bosses runs (I am including the X Bosses)]

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I Liked, and I Running this Category one day too Snodeca, I Love Long Category

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

But All Pillows Allowne Category?


Not going to happen :) Also, you can edit your post. You don't need to double post.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Hummmm, I'm Not Edit my Post

DONUTS64 そして Mach80 これを好き

Maybe an all Expert Challenges category can work.

編集者 投稿者 5 months ago
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