h o w
3 years ago
Georgia, USA

why and how does this exist

qwuzzy これを好き
Florida, USA

notch made this for a contest in 2009

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
1. これを好き

Minecraft 4k was an edition of Minecraft developed for the 2010 Java 4K contest, where the entry games were required to be within four kibibytes (4096 bytes) in size.[1]

The initial version, released on December 2, 2009, was more limited than any other edition of Minecraft ever released to the public, including the pre-classic version that is available from the Java Edition launcher. An update on December 4th changed the controls and added widescreen, more blocks, and the ability to place and destroy blocks.[2]

The original page hosting the game was removed in November 2014. Its archive can still be accessed using the Wayback Machine. The executable is also available on the Internet Archive.

im pretty sure they are meaning why is this on the site

keiron01 これを好き
  1. lmao kibibytes
Rule Clarification

Hello 51 followers of Minecraft 4k!

It has come to my attention that many of the rules for this game are very, very unclear. Allow me to clarify:

In order to be in accordance with all the other Minecraft speedrunning games, FOR NOW, first input is considered when your mouse enters the screen,

1 year ago
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