What map do verifiers like to watch the most?
3 years ago
Seattle, WA, USA

I’m just wondering what maps you guys like to watch the most so I can practice making your guys’s jobs a lot easier because then you will be more entertained. I already know that villager1 doesn’t like watching parkour pyramid so that’s good because I had no intention of running it. So what maps do verifiers like and/or dislike?

Cressyn これを好き
Ontario, Canada

Actually, I'm the most ok with watching pyramid runs out of all of the reviewers. It depends on what map each reviewer likes, so its different for each reviewer. You shouldn't run based on what map the reviewers like to watch, but what map you like to run.

Cressyn そして CrazyWave06 これを好き
Ontario, Canada

However, all reviewers like watching fast runs because they're more intense and exciting. So practice and hopefully get the World Record! :D

Cressyn そして CrazyWave06 これを好き
Seattle, WA, USA

Ok I’ll try to beat your record lol. Then you can verify it!

Cressyn そして Villager1 これを好き
Seattle, WA, USA

Also all maps by Hielke are the same fun for me (10/10)

Cressyn そして Villager1 これを好き