New category: Dog%
4 years ago

I had an idea: Dog% = a new category. You must tame a dog to complete the run in Set Seed or Random Seed !

(in category extensions pls)

TheDapperWaffle, Rockisland633 そして 6 その他 これを好き
Basque Country

I think it been proposed before yeah And nice, I should like to be added You have to get the bone and the dog, and the cantity of bones depending on the luck a bit, but normaly more than 1

In all case, this should be a category for the category extensions pls Propose here: Thanks

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago
Chottue これを好き
United States

Go to the discord, there's a #category-suggestions channel for suggesting categories. But since it's probably less than a minute there's no guarantee it will be added

San Diego, CA, USA

Thanks for this

San Diego, CA, USA

Honestly I really want to see this added

French Southern Territories

It won't be added, the goal is way too easy. There is no way the mods will support a category like this. It takes almost no skill whatsoever.

United States

I'd like to see it added.

United States

Well it won't be added 4Head

Merl_ これを好き
Basque Country

"The goal is to easy, we will not add it, no skills" Any obtain item that is not the one of the cake? :) Here at least you need to get the bone at found and dome fast the dog

Imaproshaman これを好き

Minecraft doesn't have dogs btw. It does have wolves though.

Imaproshaman これを好き
Basque Country

When you dome a Wolf, it converts in a dog change my mind xd


I mean, dogs and wolves are the same animal, dogs are just tame. Kappa

KilleDragon これを好き
Updated Legal Mods

Updated Legal Mods:

  • (1.15.2-1.16.5) Sodium 1.2.2, 2.1.1, Mac 3.1.2: fixes a game freeze and also a co-op specific game freeze.

  • (1.14.4-1.17.1) World Preview 5.0.1: fixes a spawner related crash and ports newer features to MC 1.16.5 and 1.17.1.

  • (1.19+) Planifolia 1.0.2: fixes

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