All Feathers/All Dojos category?
2 years ago
Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, Finland

I'm planning on practicing the 100% run, and while playing the game I thought about the possibility for an All Feathers and/or All Dojos category. Any thoughts?

Lekupaz, Cejcai, そして MuffinsiEA98 これを好き
Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, Finland

I actually just did an All Feathers run in a time of 1:10:13, I could submit the run for that category if it's possible to add that one on the leaderboards :)

編集者 投稿者 2 years ago
Lekupaz そして Cejcai これを好き
Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, Finland

Yo I'm back with this one 2 years later! I'll be submitting a new All Feathers run under another category since it's not an official one on the leaderboards. You can add an All Feathers category if you want to :)

Lekupaz これを好き
Galicia, Spain

You already have the 2 categories to send a run, the rules are not yet set but basically if you do the one with the feathers, don't go for 100% since the run would be invalidated as it is considered %100, the same with the dojos if you are going to For the dojos, do not take all the feathers because it would be invalidated for the same reason. Thanks for suggesting categories for new runs :D

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