ANY% Tutorial (Let's Speed Run Just Cause 2)
ANY% Tutorial (Let's Speed Run Just Cause 2)
更新済み 8 years ago 投稿者: trunk_slamchest

I have been speed running Just Cause 2 for roughly 2 years now, and considering very few people speed run JC2, I realized I would have to set up resources in order to get people to start speed running JC2.

Immidiately after submitting my first ANY% World Record, I decided to do a video series detailing the strategies, routing, RNG Manipulation, and anything else I could think of while speed running the game itself. Since the commentary in the actual speed runs I submitted is rather poor, I figured this would be good for anyone that was interested in speed running JC2.

Hopefully if you are interested, you could watch my video series (as well as Americanchoirboy's All Mission Tutorials) and get started alot quicker than it took me, and so that JC2 was much easier to get into.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Run Verification and You: An Important Notice

Hello Prospective World Record Holder,

If you have submitted a run for any category and it has not been verified within 1 week, please head over to the Just Cause Speedrunning Discord and notify us in the Just Cause 2 channel. We will work to verify or reject your run as quick as possible.


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投稿日 9 years ago
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