NG+ rules doesn't sound like NG+
6 years ago


So, the rules say that you need to beat the first pyramid before you can use any powerup, but if you are playing NG+ you have powerups on that you can't equip off.

I think we need to change the rules to accept all upgrades and stuff, because right now there isn't much difference with NG.

EDIT: Maybe add a rule saying you can't use trinkets to spawn in the middle of the Pyramid

編集者 投稿者 6 years ago
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

I guess thats something we can discuss.

My intention was that you cannot grind inbefore a run, because you had to do that for every single run if you want a really good result. All of that seemed to be a lot less fun to me. I wouldn't even mind the trinkets though, playing only half the level seems ok to me in NG+.

I am not sure if a savefile saves progress and skilltree only, or also currently locked pyramids and purchased scrolls. If the latter is the case, I would be down to change the NG+ rules, as the Grind would only have to be done once and the file could be shared. If not, however, I am going to stick with my point.


But NG+ means "play the game again with what you have from a previous run". In any other game, NG+ includes all the unlockables that you have. So I don't think here needs to be different.

Right now there is no difference between NG and NG+.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

That is just not true at all. I'm not sure if you get my point actually: Apart from locking the 1. pyramid and purchasing scrolls before entering the 1. Pyramid for the first time, EVERYTHING is allowed. That includes using any pendant, having the whole skilltree unlocked and so on. That is quite a huge difference to NG.

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