Other languages
6 years ago
United States

According to the creator's website there are other languages for the game. http://kouri.kuchinawa.com/syoukai/syoukai_2.html

I feel like if he has them on there that thy would be official enough to use them. What do you think?

johnnydimitri これを好き
New Jersey, USA

If Kouri allows them, then they are official in my opinion. The question is which version is faster?

I already made a guide that rules out the Japanese version here https://www.speedrun.com/ib/guide/id4u9 If the other versions have the same changes as vgperson's English patch, then I would assume that Chinese would be the fastest.

starsmiley これを好き
United States

Got the Chinese traditional version to run after changing my system local to it, but the puzzle for the Abyss door after waking up from the dream still works like it does in JP. I have no idea what the answer to it is. Which also means that probably the puzzle is the same way.

編集者 投稿者 6 years ago
New Jersey, USA

Because of this, other regions should be added as an option to put under what game you have, as others are now running in Chinese and Spanish.

Also there should be a filter for versions I think.

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