Discord Ban
1 month ago
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Last year my discord was the victim of a hacker attack, and unfortunately I was banned from the server. I contacted some moderators at the time, but was unsuccessful. I would like to know if someone could remove my ban as I am a beginner ASG runner and would like to look at strategies and talk to the community. My discord is punkrockgaijin

Benja これを好き


You aren't banned in the discord, I check the banned list and We only have 1 deleted account :<

Please, try again to enter to the discord!

cejota_runs これを好き
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I tried to enter again and I couldn't :( It is very likely that this deleted account is mine, as I deleted it shortly after the incident lol

I checked and discovered that Discord applies the ban via IP. Could you revoke the account bans? It has already been deleted. It won't cause any more problems.

And I apologize for what happened, even if it wasn't my fault. Thank you for your attention!

編集者 投稿者 1 month ago


Could you try again?

cejota_runs これを好き
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

It worked out. Thank you!!

Benja これを好き
投稿日 1 month ago
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