$20 Sub 40 Any% Bounty
$20 Sub 40 Any% Bounty
投稿日 8 months ago 投稿者:

EDIT: yeah so uh, she kinda sorta said nvm. $20 bounty for sub 40 any%.

with the announcement of roblox's admittedly awful new update, stixxal has said that if a solution to this update isn't found by September 27th (day of the update), then she will private all of her games, meaning this and other "get a snack" boards will become archives.

as a result, i am putting up a bounty for anyone to beat the current Any% WR, which is a 40:19.770 by Lilleh. whoever holds the record when the games are privated will get a $20 USD giftcard of your choice.

if, however, the current record is not beaten, or the games aren't privated by the 27th, this bounty will be invalid.

i also heavily encourage you all to run other categories and get PBs in them while you still can.

and if you're wondering about when runs will be verified, i will get to them soon.

good luck, have fun


$20 Sub 40 Any% Bounty

EDIT: yeah so uh, she kinda sorta said nvm. $20 bounty for sub 40 any%.

~~with the announcement of , that if a solution to thi

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