Series mods for Minecraft probably should be reconsidered
3 years ago

I've noticed some of the Minecraft series moderators overuse their abilities to add trash fan Minecraft games to the site in large numbers. Not going to call out names but there is clearly a problem. This is the latest added section of All Games as of now: First, Minecraft series mods started adding all of the Editions of the game - which is fully understandable. The series should be complete. Then it got weird with the addition of Minecraft 4K (4kb version of Minecraft which probably wouldn't be added even in the earliest days of the site) and Minicraft (which was later removed from the Minecraft series). What Minecraft series was before is mostly Minecraft maps and servers. Why can Minecraft series mods freely add as much fan games as they want - no quality control whatsoever. When maps/servers were getting added by the series mods it at least had some sort of quality control. Now mods add whatever they want to the site, any Minecraft clone, anything.

  1. How exactly is it "Minecraft" series? These are fan games!
  2. I could probably make a trash flash Minecraft clone that takes 40 seconds to beat, request it, and it would be added by the mods.
  3. The system should be changed at least somewhat. I know site staff knows how important it is not to give too much power to the series moderators, as it is extremely easy to abuse. Why aren't series moderators' added games... you know... checked by site staff? From what it seems right now, everything added by the series mods stay forever on the site, even if the game was removed from the series after (relates to Minicraft). Quality control for site staff added games is real. Quality control for series moderators' added games is not.

Thank you.

Edit: Some people contacted me and told me Minecraft series mods also actively adding PvP related minigames/servers.

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
Flewb, Symystery そして 16 その他 これを好き
Flevoland, Netherlands

I have to agree with you. Adding different versions of the original game is fine but just adding terrible fan-made games is a bit unacceptable.

Symystery, XeroGoFast そして 3 その他 これを好き
He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago
  1. How exactly is it "Minecraft" series? These are fan games! answer: just wait for a sr.c content mod to change it into "fangame of Minecraft"

  2. I could probably make a trash flash Minecraft clone that takes 40 seconds to beat, request it, and it would be added by the mods. answer: yes, yes it would

  3. The system should be changed at least somewhat. I know site staff knows how important it is not to give too much power to the series moderators, as it is extremely easy to abuse. Why aren't series moderators' added games... you know... checked by site staff? From what it seems right now, everything added by the series mods stay forever on the site, even if the game was removed from the series after (relates to Minicraft). answer: they do get checked by mods (content mods)

Quality control for site staff added games is real. answer: if you request to Minecraft series sr.c mods ask you to ask series mods

and I mod some of these terrible fangames and some other fangames here have a bit of a fanbase already (paper Minecraft)

in sharps words: If people are willing to speedrun it, it deserves its own page.

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
AprilSR そして VanceSR これを好き
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

@KaiWasTaken hello yes me and my friends would like to speedrun the game Jump where you jump one time as fast as possible can you add it to please

my point: just because people are willing to speedrun it doesn’t mean it deserves its own src page. take a look at some of the things that are no longer allowed to get added to the site, such as rubiks cube games, minesweeper clones, and geography games. there are certainly lots of people that would be willing to speedrun them but they still shouldn’t be on the site. the same thing could be said for some of the recent additions to the minecraft series, as they are all essentially the same thing with the same extremely arbitrary categories.

pvp-related games have also been being added despite their disallowance on the site and there even was a minecraft minesweeper clone.

there is DEFINITELY a problem with the current series mods. many needed to be demoted or unmodded entirely.

name, Symystery そして 8 その他 これを好き

Visiting the Minecraft series page there are 58 Games listed as "officially" being part of the Minecraft series. To my knowledge this should be the full list of official Minecraft games:

  • Minecraft Classic
  • Minecraft Bedrock Edition
  • Minecraft Java Edition
  • Minecraft Legacy Console Edition (containing releases for a bunch of platforms like PS Vita, Wii U, etc)
  • Minecraft New Nintendo 3DS Edition
  • Minecraft Education Edition
  • Minecraft Pocket Edition
  • Minecraft: Story Mode
  • Minecraft: Story Mode Season Two
  • Minecraft Dungeons
  • Minecraft Earth

But the Series page lists stuff like

  • "I Don't Know What Map To Make"
  • "Jig's Guide: Redstone Basics"
  • ""
  • "Rewinside Server"
  • "Restaurant Sim: Head Chef"
  • "Minecraft Ripoff (Sam Hogan)"
  • "Minecraft Without Blocks (Terrain Generator)" and more, as "official Minecraft games". How did this ever get this far off the rails? It would be great to get some sort of statement from one of the nine series moderators. Especially since it gets much worse if you toggle "Unofficial Releases" and it lists 155 games of which 99 have 0 "active players" (i'm not saying that those entries should be removed because of low activity, but because a not insignificant amount of them seem to be servers i'm a little concerned that some of them have been added to advertise a server and they might not even be online and available anymore)
name, MrMega, そして Pear これを好き

@KaiWasTaken Series mods who deliberately add rules-violating games to the site are supposed to get removed, and possibly banned. I was assured this a couple weeks ago.

MrMega これを好き
Portland, OR, USA

Hi it’s me april I added most of these games (acting on behalf of the whole mod team to an extent. most of the rest of the team with perhaps the exception of sharp don’t really pay attention to the creating leaderboards for maps / servers thing, but it’s not like I’m acting behind their backs or something ridiculous like that.)

I am aware of the no pvp rule - the problem is that many servers often also have non-pvp based things such as parkour sections, and I do not vet every single server for what exact kind of runs can be done on it. I don’t think rejecting a leaderboard request because it might have some pvp categories when there are also perfectly acceptable categories is reasonable.

(I will also admit that my opinion that the no pvp rule is somewhat silly has caused me to be somewhat lax about enforcing it. I’m not like deliberately setting out to evade it but I pay very little attention to it. Regardless I think my point about legitimate categories existing for many of these games is relevant.)

I was not aware of the minesweeper clone rule, but regardless I would argue the map is not exactly a minesweeper clone.

I do reject requests that are sufficiently frivolous - I recently rejected a request for minecraft pre-classic on the basis that the only category, dig down to the bottom of the world, consisted only of spam clicking for several seconds.

If the SRC admins have a problem with how I run things i invite them to contact me so we can discuss further what exactly I should and should not be adding. I am happy to comply if their rules make sense to me or step down otherwise.

The unofficial games being listed as official thing is mostly not under my control - I am entirely unable to directly alter that myself and must go through the SRC admins.

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
name, Bob-chicken, そして Walgrey これを好き

@shenef The definition of an "official" game on SRC is probably not what you think. Every game is official by default, unless it has one or more of those game types:

Only content moderators can change this property of games, so any game that is added by a series moderator will be official (until it will be set with a correct game type).

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
Gaming_64, Walgrey そして 4 その他 これを好き
Pennsylvania, USA

@reversedmitry I actually agree with this point, the only people defending it are runners that are craving a moderator role so they request a shitty game

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
New York, USA

Oh do you know every one of the people who requested these games personally?

Walgrey これを好き
Pennsylvania, USA

Im i the server where they are requesting them lmao, its literally all they are saying in there

Portland, OR, USA

oh also all the fan games in the screenshot were added by sharp, I don’t remember having added any fan games except I think like one I requested through the site-wide game add system several years ago

I might’ve added one or two? at some point? idk. I will talk to sharp I guess

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
Bob-chicken そして MrMega これを好き
Pennsylvania, USA

@AprilSR It was all sharp

He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago

i feel like the best way to fix this is just to add a "Minecraft Fan-games series"

name, Bob-chicken, そして MrMega これを好き

@KaiWasTaken so series mods can add even more trash fangames? This is not a solution. These games do not deserve a leaderboard on this site. The solution would be to demote the one who added all of these and remove already existing trash leaderboards.

Pennsylvania, USA

@kaiwastaken I suppose that is a good idea

Portland, OR, USA

I am very confused about what exactly people think the harm of having trash games on the site is. It can’t be clutter, there are so many nontrash but inactive games that it’d still be absurdly cluttered if you somehow removed literally every trash game from the site.

I won’t deliberately add games which unambiguously have 0 interesting speedrun potential but I don’t see a reason why it wouldn’t make sense to err heavily on the side of making a leaderboard for any game that might have potential. So I don’t see why making a minecraft fan game series would be bad.

name, XandoToaster そして 2 その他 これを好き
He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago

I have submitted the series and is now pending, I just want to get this argument over with.

also @ReverseDmitry there are plenty of bad developed games on sr.c I don't see the harm, we didn't take those down why take these down.

name, AprilSR, そして Bob-chicken これを好き

...most of which were added before rules got more strict. I don't understand how series moderators can get away with evasion of basic game submission guide that easily.

Portland, OR, USA

all the most egregious ones were added like yesterday by sharp is my understanding. equating the fan game thing with the server / map thing seems silly to me.

Kai. これを好き