the site doesn't load my account's runs (seems like only happends only with my account)
2 years ago
Basque Country basicaly, trying to look at my account, there is a consistent error saying that there is an error loading the data, and basicaly i can't see my runs at all i firstly thought it was just SRC failing to work, but it seems to be broken only specificaly with my account and i dont know why, and it has been like this for over 10 hours now

French Southern Territories

I can see it just fine. It's either been fixed or it's a problem on your end.

Act_ そして YUMmy_Bacon5 これを好き
Basque Country

alr it works well rn i guess they fixed it fast since my post so thanks

United States

I’ve been having this problem the last few days, and it’s still not fixed for me. Here’s an example of an account where I get the error:

Basque Country

TRUE, it happends to me to, that account is just broken it seems to happend that just very certain accounts dont work, for any specific reason, is just a problem of that account mine was fixed but others still have the problem, strange mine got fixed fast af so i guess an src staff can just fix them individualy if their are reported

ok guys lets spam in this post all the accounts we find with this error ok xd