Fight Fever Leaderboard and Notes
3 years ago
Kumamoto, Japan

Fight Fever also known as Wang Jung Wang is a pretty rare fighting game made by SNK and Viccom. Not much is known about this game, so there could be lots to find in this game; here are some of the main points:

Difficulty: Similar to Shinoken( Ragnagard) this game has odd difficulty selections, the default level 4 seems to be the easiest, the other levels seem to change the AI patterns significantly, in some cases making them more difficult whether its level 1 or level 8. Differing greatly from traditional SNK levels of difficulty.

Characters: Master Taekuk and Karate Kenji, the boss characters of the game are unplayable in circuit mode. If you select Master Taekuk in versus mode, after you will have to reselect another character after winning (it switches back to circuit if a challenger doesnt come.) I could not find any pages in Japanese, Korean, or English on codes to make them playable, but that does not mean they don't exist.

Combos: Characters in this game do lots of hit stun in this game, meaning when a character is hit they are in a state where they are pushed back but can be hit again for a number of frames. For example, Miyuki can combo standing light punch walk slightly forward standing light punch from one side to the other. I have a feeling all the characters can take advantage of this in there combos.

I don't expect this game to be a popular title, as it seems it never was, but I thought it would be important to point out some of the main things that could be researched/routed for this game for the few that attempt it.

投稿日 3 years ago
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