Category suggestions
3 years ago

I used to love EW games and I'm very glad that EW3 speedrunning is a thing now, I even made a run myself as soon as I noticed it. But I feel like adding a few categories would make it much more interesting. Here's some categories concerning the Cave of Trials specifically I had in mind:

Renaming current "Cave Trials" category to "Cave of Trials new game%" or something like that so another category with the current name is possible.

New category: "Cave of Trials%"

Rules: You can use savegames, but you can not have Cave of Trial cards beforehand.

Timer start requirement(s):

  1. Select one of Cave of Trials in "Test Your Skill" list

Timer end requirement(s):

  1. Unlock all Cave of Trials cards.
  2. Timer ends when the "Battle Result" of last played Cave of Trial challenge shows up"

This category would show us how fast one can beat the Cave of Trials using everything the game has to offer before having any of the Cave of Trials cards. So you can get a CoT card during the run and use it if you'd like.

New category: "Cave of Trials+"

Rules: You can use save games, and can have any cards without any limitation.

Timer start requirement(s):

Select one of Cave of Trials in "Test Your Skill" list

Timer end requirement(s):

Beat all 5 Cave of Trial challenges. Timer ends when the "Battle Result" of last played Cave of Trial challenge shows up."

This category would show us how fast one can beat the Cave of Trials using everything the game has to offer without any limitation. It would also be fun to stomp Cave of Trials somehow.

I may even upload a couple save games to "Resources" for the potential categories I mentioned here.

London, England

I'll put it forward to Nightfore, though they would probably be miscellaneous categories

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
Aynshtaynn これを好き
投稿日 3 years ago
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