1.10 Autojump: We're Allowing It.
7 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Hello there,

Over the past few days on the Dragon Escape forums, there has been some debating going on about whether or not Autojump, a feature in Minecraft versions 1.10+ should be allowed in speedruns. There have been some arguments made for both sides, and a strawpoll gathering the opinion of some Dragon Escape speedrunners.

The reasons why Autojump should be disallowed: Must play on Minecraft version(s) 1.10+, it makes boosts really easy (not entirely true), and skill would no longer be required to be good at the game (not entirely true). Some people don’t like Minecraft versions 1.10+ as it has a different form of PvP, this argument is invalid as it takes just 1-3 minutes to close & reopen Minecraft on a different version. Boosts aren’t necessarily easier, and lots of skill is still required with Autojump, as Autojump can be difficult to control, and can often be really quick if you're not careful.

The reasons why Autojump should be allowed: It’s a built into the game feature, it’s an assistance for those of lesser skill, it allows for more people to become better at the game, with at least slightly easier slab boosts. Removing a built into the game feature would essentially be the same as banning fancy graphics as some cannot run fancy graphics at a playable frame rate, meaning they cannot partially see through the leaf block. It’s simply unethical. It’s an assistance for those of lesser skill. There are evidently people out there who struggle with things like the stairs on Through Hell, the slabs on Into The Jungle, and so on. Autojump would be a ticket to those early speedrunners who still have difficulties. It allows for more people to become better at the game! This community has evidently shrunk and is still shrinking in size, I think one of the main issues for this is that people are having difficulty with all the boosts these days. Autojump at least slightly increases the ease of slab boosting, especially for those of lesser skill.

Despite the “majority” of the strawpoll voters voting for Autojump to be banned, there simply wasn’t enough reasoning, valid reasoning to be specific to back up their opinion(s). Not to mention, despite over 30 voters, only two people actually shared their view on Autojump. If those “reasons” were all they had, that’s not very convincing. Despite fewer votes for allowing Autojump, there were more supporters communicating, and providing reasons. Reasons that were mostly valid.

To conclude, after careful consideration of all factors, the Moderators of Dragon Escape have come to a conclusion for this monstrosity of a debate. Autojump will be allowed as there was insufficient evidence, and reasoning to back up the opinion(s) of those who voted for Autojump to be disallowed. For full details, please go to the following link: http://www.speedrun.com/Dragon_Escape/thread/50rcx

If there are any further questions or concerns, please post them. We will address them as best we can.

Regards, Tiggz.

編集者 投稿者 7 years ago
Pyxelated そして Maax これを好き
United States

So you're not going for the whole democracy thing anymore? Shucks.

tiggz16, Paris_Labrador そして 2 その他 これを好き
Texas, USA

tl;dr version, we're not banning a game feature, I originally was for banning it since the majority of the poll wanted it so, but noticing how it was literally only Thunder and Thunder (and Tac, but mostly Thunder) talking about it. And the reasons for it were pretty bad (for example "It making the game easier", should we also ban having a sprint key? I mean doesn't it make the game easier?), after realizing all of that I started to lean on allowing it. And then I had a little bit of faith left in banning it, I was thinking we should ban it since everyone seems to want it banned, and if the ban makes things worse, then repeal it, until I realized again what we're banning. Anyways this was a mess. Fatty first made the poll so don't kill me.

Maax そして tiggz16 これを好き

I don't fucking know anymore


This is just so retarded, you retards don't even play the game anymore - Why do you care if we want it or not? WE CLEARLY DON'T AS THE STRAWPOLL SUGGESTS

編集者 投稿者 7 years ago
Paris_Labrador そして tac23tac23 これを好き
Ontario, Canada

Strawpolls don't make entire decisions; it's so easy for them to become inaccurate from things like VPN's, people not voting on their own opinion, and people have not even voted and thus their opinion would not be counted. Hopefully that cleared some stuff up for you, Thunder.

編集者 投稿者 7 years ago

there isn't even a laby mod for 1.10...

Paris_Labrador そして tac23tac23 これを好き

VOTING FOR THEIR OWN ACCORD... fatty told several people to vote yes, and I bet for shit you and fatty voted yes, you don't play the game. it isn't your decision, its the community, why do you want to fuck us all over

tac23tac23 これを好き

fuck this, you are retarded, arguing with retards wastes time, imma go back to pvp and enjoy watching this game die quicker than before, because more people will quit (yes, more :o ) Maxi, you always go on about "if DE was on hypixel" - it's gotten to the point, where its more you guys fucking us over than mineplex

tac23tac23 これを好き

that was taken at 8 yesterday for me, I was asking people what they thought, max forgot to screenshot the bit where 90% in the mps said no. I then told them to "say no on speedrun.com" and i was asking everyone to fucking reply to me. That is absolutely disgusting from max... it was after YOU all made your decisions on yes or no, i was asking them to put their opinions on the forums. He is literal dirt, thirsty wr scum

tac23tac23 これを好き

doesn't avoid the fact that YOU bitch about your fellow mods to me all the time, and I'm not going to be a little shit and show them, cuz I'm not scum

tac23tac23 これを好き

Coming to think of it, I'd say around 70% of people in this community are pathetic... Some can't bring themselves to stand up to the only people they talk to when they bitch to people about them, then they go get people to stab him on the back and make it all out like its their fault, then there are people like warlox who are mentally 7, physically 10 and just try to argue with you with insults that make me want to drink bleach. This is why no one wants to play this game anymore, not because of people who have the capability to be toxic (me :D and more), because of pathetic kids who can't bear to be rude to people on the internet. Yet, the pathetic one who can't stand up to people who he talks to, finds the only way to express himself by humiliating 9 year olds, or mentally unstable people who want to be liked... it's a bit sad really. Just to sum it up, ever since you came to this community maxi, it has started to die, not me or any other players you think can be toxic. Please keep that in mind before keep going with this :D Because, yet another retarded decision by you or Mineplex will just kill it - 61% said no, I'd say most won't bother playing anymore ;/ Good luck everyone

tac23tac23 これを好き
Texas, USA

Alright I'll show the rest,






All of what the other Max sent me, I asked him to send me more.

Going to respond to your bs now,

"He is literal dirt, thirsty wr scum"

I don't go for wrs now because of school, and I wouldn't use autojump because I can slab boost.

"doesn't avoid the fact that YOU bitch about your fellow mods to me all the time, and I'm not going to be a little shit and show them, cuz I'm not scum"

Alright I'll show the screenshots,



I don't bitch about the mods "all the time" I don't think I even bitched about them in those screenshots.

Texas, USA

"Coming to think of it, I'd say around 70% of people in this community are pathetic... Some can't bring themselves to stand up to the only people they talk to when they bitch to people about them, then they go get people to stab him on the back and make it all out like its their fault, then there are people like warlox who are mentally 7, physically 10 and just try to argue with you with insults that make me want to drink bleach. This is why no one wants to play this game anymore, not because of people who have the capability to be toxic (me and more), because of pathetic kids who can't bear to be rude to people on the internet. Yet, the pathetic one who can't stand up to people who he talks to, finds the only way to express himself by humiliating 9 year olds, or mentally unstable people who want to be liked..."

This whole part you were just shitting on other players,

" it's a bit sad really. Just to sum it up, ever since you came to this community maxi, it has started to die, not me or any other players you think can be toxic. Please keep that in mind before keep going with this Because, yet another retarded decision by you or Mineplex will just kill it - 61% said no, I'd say most won't bother playing anymore ;/ Good luck everyone"

DE started to die when I came? Do you hear yourself? For Christ sake for the first few months I was a randie. And the only drama I started at the time was with Tiggz because I didn't believed in "hidden strats". Also Mineplex got new owners so I have a little faith left.

L m a o

This is quality.

Anyways I'm bored arguing I'm going to finish my homework.

編集者 投稿者 7 years ago

You started bullying 10 year olds and people like bop as soon as you came here, humiliating them numerous times for "subscwibers" and views. All you can do is bully and bitch about people, I bet you have been bitching me on the discord, even as we speak! That's because your life is so sad as your homeschooled, you have NOTHING else to talk about, no life experiences, not many irl friends, stuck inside all day :/ I feel sorry for you at this point

編集者 投稿者 7 years ago
tac23tac23 これを好き

by the way, I've just tested and my sprint wobbles everywhere in tight places, especially on TT

tac23tac23 これを好き
United States

This is some tasty beef.

Anyway, Thunder, just because a person of authority did something that you have no control over in a block game, doesn't mean you need to ridicule him about his real life. Don't you go and tell me that 'you feel sorry' for him about that stuff, because most people give that 'no life' speech for the sake of making a comeback in an argument, or humiliating someone. I don't give credit to people who make false claims about this community based on their opinion, at least not if they're THAT dumb of claims.


Also, while I don't specifically agree with any of the actions taken here (I'm indifferent in this, I'd rather not take sides here), they aren't obliged to follow what everyone says. In fact, it was generous of them to even give you guys a chance to give a logical explanation of why autojump shouldn't be removed (and no, purposely making the game harder isn't a good reason to keep autojump disallowed). They gave you that chance to give a logical explanation, and you gave 0. That comment (the one on your youtube video, just to be clear here.) uses a pretty manipulative tactic towards your fans, and of course your influence would get a good number of them to vote no.

Mastering autojump doesn't make the game easier. It's just something that you can do instead of learning all the slab boosts. This chance at getting a WR (almost no tryhards in the community have made any more progress the the noobs at autojump) offers a huge window for people who want to speedrun. This could really help the community.

Be considerate, and don't expect pure influence to always beat logic. You'd be disappointed.

編集者 投稿者 7 years ago
Maax そして tiggz16 これを好き
United States

"VOTING FOR THEIR OWN ACCORD... fatty told several people to vote yes, and I bet for shit you and fatty voted yes, you don't play the game." --- For the exact same reasons that you claim you didn't tell people to vote no, I did not tell people to vote yes

"imma go back to pvp and enjoy watching this game die quicker than before, because more people will quit" --- You mean to tell me that a large portion of players are going to quit speedrunning DE outright because people who do like autojump are allowed to use it in speedruns? Is this like the actual 12 year old mindset this community has? Because if so then I honestly don't care.

--- At this point I am starting to have the mindset that it's the community as a whole that is making people quit. Not Maxi alone, not you alone, not me alone; everyone. Because some people have quit because of certain people (Some me, some you, some Maxi, etc.). Some people even just got tired of the game in general. At this point, I doubt there is anything to do to detoxify / mature this community because (and I don't mean this as an insult) this game is comprised mainly of children who haven't developed enough to understand exactly how the world works (This includes me as well, we're all under adulthood in age), except waiting. I'm not sure if this community will ever mature, but if it does, let it be known that it is likely not because some person who is labeled "toxic" left the community, but rather because the community matured as a whole. I think we should just stop name-calling and all that other bullshit and get to the main issue at hand - Should 1.10 autojump be allowed?

The strawpoll suggests that it should be banned. However, the question is "Is the majority always right", and depending on your political view that answer may change. In a republic, the majority is always right, but in a democracy it's different. It depends on your stance. It appears that you, obviously, believe in a republic. We obviously do not. So maybe we need a free election here, I don't know. However, considering that:

  1. It's not a supermajority, which in most systems overrules the higher authority (the mods in this case)
  2. Only 2 / +30 people have spoken out against it (And only you harshly)
  3. None of the reasons given are fully valid

This line is a test on Thunder's part to see if he actually reads these. I do not mean to offend, but he has been repeating points several times and fails to address our points several times. We have to assume that banning autojump is the logically wrong thing to do. And since we mods are obviously democratic, we need to do what we consider as "better for the people".

Please keep in mind as well that we do not force anyone to play in 1.10 and use autojump if they don't want to in runs. I also want to emphasize that I personally really don't think autojump will make or break the speedrun; autojump is finicky and can fuck you several times, and it still takes skill to use it properly (For instance, I still suck at TH stairs even with autojump).

Maax そして tiggz16 これを好き

Glad to come into action, mods.

Ryxei これを好き
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