Super Costumes
7 years ago
Georgia, USA

Should super costumes be their own category?

jonsku1, thePuck77, そして FourTwoEight これを好き
Texas, USA

Remember that Super Costume is going to make speed running no problem. Spamming Judgement Cut End or Perfect Judgement Cut over and over again just make the run boring. With Nero his Super Costume make his exceed filled up to 3 no matter what skill he uses. And his Max-Act sound is annoying whenever it gets spam over and over again. With Dante they could just spam the shit out of Omen and Multi-shot rocket thingy which make Dante cheap with his DT and his Disaster Gauge. With these kind of OP moves they could beat the hell out of "No Super Costume" runs. Also what is the point of having Super Costume. Sprint activates after the first or second step, Vergil have most of his moves OP asf and with Nero and Dante they could use his Charge Shot 3 and Distortion Real Impact. But then again adding Super Costume may brings DMC’s community up. Sure it is boring but hey we got what they wanted. I guess that they consider NG run boring and long while with Super Costume fast. In DMC4 Vanilla most of the runs have Super Costume on. HOWEVER if there are NO runs submitted to the Super Costume category then we're taking it down no matter what. It's just useless to have it up and then no one have the interest to run it even though they asked for it. Also if you want can you make item use banned. I don't see the point of having it on since you have Super Costume on. Spamming the shit out of holy water just make me question myself "Why we have Super Costume in the first place?" Since we have more defense power, OP moves, and sprint through first step it is best to make items banned.

thePuck77 これを好き
California, USA

Definitely. I haven't put on my super costume since the no-super category for BP was created for a's boring.

In general, no one loses anything by having multiple categories with whatever limitations people want to add. No Item is an obvious one, but there are other possibilities, such as no-skips/no-glitch, no leveling, etc. I play Soulsborne games and it very much seems like their popularity goes hand in hand with the multiple challenge-runs and speedrun reason to avoid it here.

FourTwoEight これを好き

Well super costumes help new people to enter in the dmc speedrun community because fun or not a ng run its 100% harder to do than a ng+ run with super costume,so in my vision super costume runs could make people want to run it and then with the basic mechanics learned they go try a NG devil hunter run and i agree with no HW because i played the old dmc4 a lot and just span hw makes the game more boring and like thepuck said make a no skips category or a lot of Challenges categorys could be fun but thats only my opinion

thePuck77 そして FourTwoEight これを好き
Texas, USA

If we are going to put up Super Costume category then it's best to set some limits on them skips. They have to go through battles they have to do. This applies to mission 12 skip as well. So skipping the things you can do in NG is prohibited. Also restrict them on items. Spamming holy water is annoying asf. There

編集者 投稿者 7 years ago
zerodux これを好き

I agree with you nirvana no skips and no hw,can make the game more fun to run and still with some challenge

FourTwoEight これを好き
Texas, USA

Yep. For now we're going to let PvtCb do the editing here. I can't edit the game or else I'll mess up. I got lucky with the bloody palace catagory though but I won't mess with other categories.

zerodux これを好き

i could do it if someone give me a mod but im not fit for it somehow :) anyway gonna try a super costume run later to fill the leaderboards if it be created i almost got a vergil DH run but i not confident with the mechanics so super costume first.

FourTwoEight これを好き

How to i become a moderator user?


I already did a ducking run i just waiting the ducking leaderboards for something about 1 week


And @Yudhveer if you want a mod talk to the mods or go to the mod request fórum in the site and say why you worth it

Texas, USA

Zero I got the category fix. You can summit the runs now


NG+ Super costume is really Boring, Please remove it

Texas, USA

Yudhveer please take the time to read the forum of "Super Costume." We put NG+ for a reason. Please read it Here read this. This forum is the reason why we made this. Next time read other forums before making questions like this

編集者 投稿者 7 years ago
thePuck77 これを好き

I already read that bro, Who wants NG+/Super Cos. You? or Pvt, puck or h zero?

I don't think anyone fill that leaderboards


As you wish friends

Texas, USA

PvtCb first ask if Super Costume is going to be in the leaderboards. We thought about and talk it through. Then we decided it will be in the leaderboards. However if it doesn't get filled up after 4 months then it's going down. I understand where you coming from Yudhveer and I know doing Super Costume is boring and all but we are trying to bring the DMC community more to the public. Hence the reason the NG+/Super Costume is created. Besides people wanted to do the Super Costume run. I don't know their reasons why but we do it anyway. Trust me. It'll be a piece of cake to take down the NG+/Super Costume. Don't worry. After 4 months if a single run doesn't get summited then you won't see it anymore.

Yudhveer これを好き

Thank U Nirvana

FourTwoEight これを好き
California, USA

I think SC runs are like TAS pushes the boundaries of what we know is possible. We learn from that.

zerodux そして FourTwoEight これを好き