board update
5 years ago

this board needs a major update runners are finding legit catagorys, runs arent being verified and it looks like it was just slapped together overnight.

maybe add stuff like all sin catagory glitchless catagory and at the least a background image of fury ?

if u dont know how or dont have the time why not add a few mods ? if not ill recommend some1 from this community takes it to the site thread and get mod

編集者 投稿者 5 years ago

Hi I'm the mod, I will be adding mods to the board. I have a life, I'm super busy and have no access to a computer this weekend. Calm down.

Lonne そして HowDenKing これを好き

As for the categories, we have discussed an all sins category. Glitchless will be made when some one proves they've done a legit run of glitchless. There is no point in having empty leaderboards. If you want to be more in the know and not post some childish rants like you're entitled to my time join the discord.


im very calm, childish it was not, as u have written on discord u didnt have the time and all i did practically was suggest extra mods. thought it needed to be said and something done because i noticed the passion of some runners, no harm intended.

have an awesome day lets get some awesome runs in ^^

投稿日 5 years ago
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