Colors of Your World v2.10 Release
3 years ago

Colors of Your World v2.10 has been released and deployed to,, and

This is a bugfix update that fixes some timing and movement inconsistencies that mostly affects speedrunners.

  • Fixed a bug where the timer would advance for some frames when starting the main game before inputs were able to correctly be read. This caused movement to be delayed anytime when loading from menu.

This change caused most previous full-game runs to be slower by some small number of frames which were lost during the initial loading transition.

  • Fixed a floating-point imprecision bug that caused physics state timing to be inconsistent.

The following states were affected: Dashing state: Was previously 12 or 13 frames (random), now 12 frames Walljump state: Was previously 12 or 13 frames (random), now 12 frames Period after mushroom bounce for being unable to bounce again: Was 30 or 31 frames, now 30 frames Period after mushroom bounce for being unable to dash/cling: Was 6 or 7 frames, now 6 frames The end result is that dash lengths will be slightly shorter overall, but consistent instead of random.

Overall this makes dashing slightly slower (for movement) than it used to be on average, though the time between dashes will also be slightly faster on average. Overall the run could become slightly slower because of this change, but it's hard to really say what the effect should be. Consistency, however, is definitely a good thing.

He これを好き

Colors of Your World v2.11 has been released and depoyed.

There was an unintended change in v2.10 that caused dashes to carry over across screen transitions. v2.11 is a hotfix release that reverts that behavior so that dashes now end at screen transitions as they used to.

You mention it might be slightly slower now that you've made dashing and other stuff more consistent. If you add .5 to these values that would make it about as fast overall as it was originally, right? Or is my math really bad?

I can't have you in a state for half a frame, though? Like, frames are discrete units, it doesn't make sense to talk about a dash lasting for "12 and a half frames" unless I really overcomplicate things.

I could have increased the dash instance slightly to compensate but really 12 frames is how it ought to have been working all along.

Yeah I'm what's called an idiot

投稿日 3 years ago
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投稿日 3 years ago
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投稿日 3 years ago
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投稿日 4 years ago
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