Red Alert 2 - Allied Campaign (Easy) v0.3
Red Alert 2 - Allied Campaign (Easy) v0.3
更新済み 8 years ago 投稿者: ROMaster2

I intend on making this a lot easier to read later.

Common commands: T - Select all offensive units Y - Select all units of selected type D - Deploy/Undeploy H - Jump to home Z - Chain command S - Stop order 1-9 - Select group Ctrl+1-9 - Set group Shift+1-9 - Add group to current selection

----01-Lone Guardian Select all units to auto-select Tanya. Set her to Group 1. Chain command on each of the Dreadnaughts, then to the Allied base. Be careful not to click on a missile. Click on one of the GIs, preferably one that is easy to see. Hover the cursor over where the Allied base is. Once you gain control of the GIs, [Y] to select all the GIs, [D] to undeploy them, and click to move them to the base. While still selected, set the GIs to Group 2 with [Ctrl+2] Grab the 2nd front most GI and move him to the top right of the map. Set him to Group 9 with [Ctrl+9] Select over the area where the two GIs will be revealed once they're visible, order them to undeploy with [D], and get them moving east. While still selected, merge them with Group 2 by pressing [Shift+2] and [Ctrl+2]. Move them to the Allied base. Twiddle your thumbs for a moment Once the Allied base is visible, hover the cursor over where the Barracks will be, and rapidly click to quickly start building one. Select the Dogs and move them behind the gate, set them to Group 4 with [Ctrl+4] Select Tanya and order her to the end of the bridge. Do the same with the GIs. Once the tanks on the top right are in your command, select them and order them south. Keep ordering them to the end of the bridge. Set them to Group 3. Place the Barracks east of the north flag near the bridge. Start making 3 (or more) engineers. Set the barracks waypoint to the end of the bridge. (Optional) Sell the gate. Once an engineer pops out, immediately select him and spam click on the repair hut. If you don't spam, he'll stop midway. Once the bridge is repaired, quickly select each group, starting with the tanks, and move them down it. Have the tanks blow the closest barrel, then chain command them to attack the barrels near the sentries, the sentries themselves, and finally the power plants. Order the GIs to chain attack the barrel next to the southwest Barracks, said Barracks, and the power plants. Keep Tanya moving to west of the Soviet base near the War Factories. If the dogs are not automatically attacking Conscripts, attack-move them (with Ctrl+Shift+Click) to the center of the Soviet base. Grab the 2nd engineer and order him to capture the Soviet Construction Yard. Grab the 3rd engineer and order him to capture the north Barracks. Keep control of Tanya to get her to C4 the War Factories, nearby power plant, and radar.

----02-Eagle Dawn Have the cursor start on the very top of the screen before the mission loads. Select all units and click to move them north. The engineers aren't used Assign Tanya and the GIs to group 1 and 3, respectively Move the GIs north to the northwest of the Soviet base, collecting the crate along the way. It's not as useful for Tanya Keep Tanya moving northwest towards the Allied base Once Eva's video starts playing, the Rocketeers will appear quickly after. Move them northeasteast and set them to group 2. Once Tanya reveals the front of the Allied base, chain command her swim to the middle of the pond, kill the conscript, C4 the east Flak Cannon, the west one, the sentry on the corner, and finally attack-move to the front of the base. If she isn't ordered to go in the water, she'll walk around and get killed. Keep the rocketeers on path, using the road as a reference. Get them just close enough to reveal the nearby Flak Cannon, then move them north of the Soviet base to start attacking the northmost power plant. Chain command the rocketeers to destroy each power plant and the visible flak cannon. Keep moving the GIs to northwest of the Soviet base, avoiding as much fire as possible. Have them reveal the other flak cannon, then move them near where the Soviet War Factory will be built. Add north of the west Flak Cannon, the Flak Cannon, and the Soviet Construction Yard, to the rocketeer's chain command. Once the engineers finally arrive, order them into every building but the Allied Construction Yard, based on their proximity to each building. Once available, start production of many tanks and set the waypoint to the entrance of the Soviet base. Once available, select the Harriers and order them to destroy the sentry directly south of the Allied War Factory. Set them to group 3. Once available, start production of many rocketeers and set the waypoint to the center of the Soviet base. Once she's almost fully healed, order Tanya to C4 the southmost sentry. Once the paratroopers arrive, order them all to deploy immediately. Order your tank(s) to attack the Flak Tracks, Sentries, and War Miners. When the GIs are on the ground and deployed, have them immediately destroy the War Factory to prevent a War Miner from being mad. With good RNG, the War Factory won't be built at all. Select the Harriers and destroy the eastmost sentry by the Allied base. At the Soviet base, attack everything within proximity with all units, but leave the Refinary last to manipulate the War Miners.

----03-Hail to the Chief Move the southmost IFV to where the crate will appear Order the engineer to repair the monument Deploy the other two IFVs so their units exit the vehicles. Do not select all IFVs and deploy or the crate one will stop moving. Select all IFVs and scroll east. Once the crate has been picked up, move them. Stay on the road for speed and move them north once they reach the crossroad. Get them to hug the wall near the Soviet Refinary while moving around it. Order them to fire on it, then move in between. Once they're as north as possible and still in range of the refinary, select the two unranked IFVs. Hover over the refinary to watch its health. Once it's red, let them fire one more time, then move the unranked IFVs northeast towards the Psychic Beacon. When the ranked IFVs destroys the Refinary, move it as well. Once visible, attack the Psychic Beacon.

----04-Last Chance Have the cursor start on the very top of the screen before you gain control. Select all units and move them north. Select the Rocketeers, set them to group 1, and move them more north. Select the Destroyers, set them to group 2, and move them northwest along the water. Move the Rocketeers more northnorthwest. Move the Destroyers to where the Psychic Dominator is, using the radar as a reference. If you accidently click on land, they'll stop. You can make sure if they're still moving by double tapping the group number. Once the road is visible, get the Rocketeers to follow it. Have one rocketeer take lead to take the heat from the upcoming flak cannon. If possible, try not to clump the Rockeeters together. At the end of the road/map, move them west towards the Psychic Dominator. Once visible, have the Rocketeers and Destroyers destroy the Psychic Dominator.

----05-Dark Night Select both Tanya and the Spies and move them northeast. While they're moving, set the Spies group to 2 and Tanya to 1. Keep them moving along. The spies moving are more imporant than Tanya right now. Along the way have the spies disguise as an enemy. Disguising as a FrankerZ is optional but encouraged. Have Tanya stop to attack as necessary. Once near the Tesla Coil, have Tanya blow the barrel next to it so the spies can move in faster. Move her northwest. Keep the spies moving in and chain them to infiltrate the Tech Center. Keep an eye on the nearby dogs. Keep Tanya moving northeast, attacking as necessary, upto a trench that leads to a river. Move her east until she's as close to the north shoreline as possible. Crates are optional. Once revealed, move her north. Order her to move to the cliff instead or she'll take longer to get to the shore. Move her up the cliff then west towards the POWs. Just before she reaches the barrels, order her to stop to attack the dogs and conscripts, then chain her to attack the barrels and move back to the river. Order the tank to blow the barrels by the power plant, the east wall corner by the powerplant, move south of the nuke silo, and finally attack the silo. Keep Tanya moving towards the other silo base. Micromanage her in the water or she'll zig-zag for no good reason. Blow the barrels and move her in while taking care of the dog from the north. Blow the silo barrels and move her in to C4 the nuke silo. Attack-move her away for her last command. If she gets eaten by the dogs during this time, you can still lose the mission...


----07-Deep Sea Build 1 Harrier, tab to infantry, train 1 Rocketeer, tab to structures, build a Barracks. Move the GIs southwest of the Barracks out of the way. Set the waypoint of the Barracks to the westmost shore. Train another Rocketeer (so there's 2 in production) Hover over two tiles southwest of the Barracks and spam [Q] and click to quickly place the second Barracks. Set it as primary and set its waypoint the same as the other Barracks. Once the first Rocketeer is out, order him west to get him moving, then order him to the nearby the ally base from the radar. Hover over said island using the radar. Once the second Rocketeer is out, select all units and click to get him moving to the island as well. Jump over to the airfield Once the Harrier is made, select all units and move him towards the island. Once they're all moving, select both Rocketeers and the Harrier and move over the the island. Once visible, order them to attack the sentry.

----08-Free Gateway

----09-Sun Temple



----12-Chrono Storm

投稿日 3 years ago
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投稿日 8 years ago
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