Rules request
1 year ago

Hey, I'm trying to re-do my run that was rejected before, and also want to run 100%. But there are some things I wanted to adress:

  1. The game keeps bugging in the DOSbox version and the highscore at the end softlocks the game, not allowing me to write any character. So I can't write my gamertag, and given that an average run takes like 30 mins, it's pretty frustrating to have the run rejected because of a glitch AFTER beating the game. Could I write my name on another part of the screen to showcase it's me? Cause it's a really dumb rule that makes everything unnecesary harder, besides I'm the only runner so far.
  2. In regards to the 100% category, could I do it without destroying the UFOs? They are extremely hard to hit, they spawn randomly and only serve the purpose of giving extra points. So they are not even real enemies, unlike the bonus levels. Again, the run becomes tedious if I have to reset everytime an impossible UFO randomly appears.

So yeah, I think making those 2 changes would make the leaderboard a lot better.

Gaming_64 これを好き
投稿日 1 year ago
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