Timing Rules & Adjustments
5 years ago

I thought that I had set start and stop points for timing in the rules but apparently I didn't and this has lead to everyone using slightly different timing methods so I've gone through and re-timed everyones runs so we all are using the same timing. Timing starts when you click "New Game" and ends when you click on the door to leave (in the case of All Endings, when you click the door for the final time). This timing method has been added to the rules in each category to hopefully avoid any confusion or mix ups in the future. Obviously the best way to time the runs would be with a load remover and autosplitter but we don't have either of those so I went with a timing method that is easy to verify by watching the videos.

Everyones new times (and differences from old times) are as follows: All Endings IGoSlow 10:56 (-2 seconds from submitted time) beetosu 11:17 (+0 seconds from submitted time) Lastly 11:52 (+1 second from submitted time)

Any% IGoSlow 23 seconds (-7 seconds from submitted time) b9king 30 seconds (+10 seconds from submitted time) Im_The_Cook 30 seconds (-6 seconds from submitted time) Lastly 33 seconds (+0 seconds from submitted time)

投稿日 5 years ago
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