投稿日 6 months ago 投稿者:

hello everyone! over the past weeks, we've had a vote in the speedrun discord over the legalization of turbo (or automashing) through unskippable cutscenes. the results of the vote can be seen below:

we've been testing a new plugin to implement this turbo option, and thanks to @Loomeh and @Ninja_Cookie we are proud to announce that turbo is now fully legalized!

you can use the SpeedrunUtils mod in order to enable turbo during your runs!

you can see more information in the game rules, and you can join the discord for help setting up turbo.

we are very happy to move into this new era of bomb rush cyberfunk speedruns, featuring less hand pain!


投稿日 9 months ago 投稿者:

hello everyone, hope you've been loving the game!

in order to maintain the leaderboards and discord, we've opened up moderator applications! we're accepting applications from anyone, regardless of experience. we'd love to see your submissions!

the link to the application form can be found here: https://forms.gle/pjLHKLGk9R3jSi2J7

otherwise, take care!


aug 21, 2023 edit: closed, thanks for the applications!

aug 30, 2023 edit: reopened for more applicants :)

投稿日 9 months ago 投稿者:


wanted to give a proper greeting here now that we're closer to release.

my name is shovelclaws and i'll be your supermod for bomb rush cyberfunk. i'm so excited to get funky and run this game alongside everyone. i've been lookin forward to this for three whole years, and i know it's gonna be great.

joining me on the mod team will be @KyreSD and @JamesSetRadio who have both contributed greatly to the discord. we will be looking for more mods when the game releases, so definitely keep an eye out for when the moderator applications release.

two quick business notes:

1. for the first week of release, we will be maintaining a leaderboard embargo on all submissions. this is done in order to figure out our initial categories, develop a load remover and autosplitter, and allow everyone to fairly discover the game. we're looking to have this leaderboard embargo lifted by august 25th! that means you should take your time and enjoy the game the most you can, then...

2. join the speedrunning discord server to keep up with how the first week of runs goes! make sure to read the rules, as there is a spoiler tag requirement until august 22nd in the discord. we don't want people getting their experience ruined, after all.

otherwise, i'm looking forward to meeting everyone and seeing just how wild this game gets. ~shovelclaws

A New Era: Turbo

hello everyone! over the past weeks, we've had a vote in the speedrun discord over the legalization of turbo (or automashing) through unskippable cutscenes. the results of the vote can be seen below:

6 months ago
投稿日 9 months ago
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投稿日 9 months ago
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