Consider new v0.9 release.
10 months ago
Texas, USA

Newly Chris himself released a video with the description stating that he himself will no longer be "working" on the game, but that the "work" is now going to the other devs. In the same video, he linked the new version in the description.

On top of that, since the game has now changed significantly, I recommend to add categories for v0.9 (also called 1.0). Specifically Any% and 100% categories would work. Note that the hack has 178 stars. To get to the final boss, you need to go through the same route as v0.7, but you need to go in the back hole regardless, as the star door that used to actually be able to be opened now requires 13 red stars (There aren't even 13 red stars in the game). But going in the back hole in Peach's floor has a random chance to lead one to the Eternal Fort, which from there one can "beat" the game.


considering 0.9 doesnt really qualify as its own version being literally just 1.0 but unfinished, i say we wait until 1.0 to make new categories

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