6 years ago
Lancashire, England

Is there any chance that there is a place I can get the artwork from the game like with the leaderboards 1st, 2nd, 3rd icons and the splits in the wr? Also is it possible that the splits could be posted so that people don't need to populate 20 splits themselves? Thanks.

New York, USA

Heya. Good questions.

The short answer is, yes.

The other answer is, I've pretty much just been doing screenshots+photoshop to get the graphics I've used. I don't know of a better way, and I've been meaning to get more, but I've been hella busy lately. Maybe there's a more efficient way to get the graphics, if so I'm clueless about it. But yes I'll upload what I have.

I've been debating what to do with the splits as they stand. I'm not sure if every single one of them needs to exist. It's kind of nice to have like pretty much every mission/plot beat separated, but it's a little obnoxious. I see much longer games with way fewer splits.

Roxxers これを好き
Lancashire, England

Splits matter as a way to differ sections. Doesn't matter too much about length really unless it becomes annoying. it makes sense for each mission complete to start a new split or maybe once you have exited that level. I'll take a proper look at the splits and see if any don't make total sense.

I was thinking about maybe trying to setup an autosplitter for the game, but I think the only way to do that would be tracking the missions in the log. But that would be quite difficult. I noticed you struggled at times with splitting as it is so any help is good :P

As for art, I was just wondering if you had discovered someway to get the art out of the game exe or something haha. The current method works quite well so shouldn't be too much of an issue. It's got some really good art its just annoying how difficult it is to get any raw files. Short of asking the dev themselves though, I'm unsure how to get that.

New York, USA

I recently started university as a game design major, I might learn how to do that at some point, but I can also ask around. I'm not even sure where to begin on coding an autosplitter.

Lancashire, England

So I program too. Not in anything as low level (Mostly just python) as the memory tech you do in an autosplitter. But I have a decent idea. You basically are just finding the pointers to memory in the game that will point to the area of memory that has the thing we are looking for.

In the game I ran, GTA IV and its dlc, you look for how many missions have been completed, and split when the counter goes up.

In Aerannis, it doesn't have a counter like this. But we do have a log of missions and if they are completed or not. So if you can find that, you can make a logic to split when a mission is done. Tho due to the end split, the end split will probably have to be manual? I'm sure someone better could make that automated. The start should be easy because its on starting a new game.

princess_emilu これを好き
New York, USA

I'm definitely going to be looking into this. I took quite a break from this game due to school, but I'm interested in getting back into it. I also need a coding project to practice my skills :p

Roxxers これを好き
投稿日 5 years ago
投稿日 6 years ago