In-game Options!
In-game Options!
更新済み 11 months ago 投稿者: Shiromar

Time Limit ⏰

  • Extra Easy: 85 Seconds

  • Easy: 80 Seconds

  • Normal: 75 Seconds

  • Hard: 70 Seconds

  • Hardest: 65 Seconds

Time Limit changes the amount of time you start with! With 65 seconds it's impossible to get out of Coconut Beach (Stage 1) if you crash!

Enemy Level 💪

  • Extra Easy

  • Easy

  • Normal

  • Hard

  • Hardest

Enemy level increases the amount of enemy vehicles during the run! I like to practise on hardest difficulty, then go down to Easy, it helps to hone those high-speed overtaking skills!

Game Mode 🎮

  • Manual

  • Automatic

OutRun has 2 gears. Hi & Low! You should use manual, we spend most of the time in Hi gear, only going low at the start or when you have a collision!

Game Mode 🎮

  • Overseas

  • Overseas (Smooth)

  • Japan

  • Japan (Smooth)

Game Mode changes the track layout! I've only ever played Overseas & can't vouch for Japan. Overseas & Japan are 30 FPS. Overseas (Smooth) & Japan (Smooth) are 60 FPS!

Control ⌨️

This changes the controller layout! I use Type D! Use whatever you prefer, all it does is change how you change gear!

BGM Mode 🎶

  • Arcade

  • Arrange

This changes the background music! Only the Japanese game has Arrange music mode!

投稿日 11 months ago
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