6 months ago
Raleigh, NC, USA
He/Him, They/Them
6 months ago

Short term game plan. I feel like this may be slightly faster than the normal way. You spend more time in the beginning but Phoenix wings are significantly faster then Quetzal & Cloth (but they don't work in the Cave in Spiral Heights; I learned this in practice).

  1. New Game Spawn
  2. Fly to SH (no respawn)
  3. Fly to Oasis (respawn)
  • Squeebil Quest
  • Get Fire Key
  1. Fly To Magma (no respawn)
  • Get Energy Wings & do 3 islands before respawning
  • Respawn
  • Open Magma Cave, Get 14 Gold + Phoenix Wings + Artifact
  • Respawn
  • Finish Magma (100%) & Lens (w/ Energy?)
  1. Respawn in ARC
  • 100% Arc (minus Artifact + 1 Gold)
  • Artifact
  • Gems
  • Dam Buster
  1. Respawn in SH and 100% it
  • Phoenix Wings: Divebomb, climb & 4 golds
  • Respawn with Energy Wings and do the rest of it
  • Roots (blue set)
  • 4 Side Gems
  • Roots (pink set)
  • Do Cog + Top
  1. Respawn in Oasis & 100%
  • Artifacts
  • Gems
  • Lens
  1. Fly to Spore & 100%

  2. Respawn in Oasis & Mount all Flares

  3. Respawn in Arc, fly to Ascension w/ Albatross

  4. Ascension

  • Respawn w/ Phoenix Wings
  • Pick up Artifact
  • Mount all lenses
  • Respawn w/ Energy
  • 100% the level
  1. Divebomb & pick up SH Artifact

  2. Respawn in Arc, mount all artifacts

  3. Open Portal


投稿日 6 months ago
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投稿日 7 months ago
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投稿日 7 months ago
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