Straits (From Discord)
Straits (From Discord)
更新済み 2 years ago 投稿者: ArcticWoof

To even get under 1 minute you need to get a lucky 3 Random Events

  • Good Season (+50% on all crops)
  • Splendid Harvest (+100% on all crops)
  • Peanut Harvest (will check lol)

It's possible to not get a good event to get you under a minute but a good run must always has a good event and especially Splendid Harvest

  • Lucky Events Getting Splendid Harvest 3 times in a row will considered you as very lucky and you definitely get a lower time.

If you get a single bad event, that's an immediate time lost and you can't get under a minute from that even.

The current WR @Staraptor get 1 Good Season + 4 Splendid Harvest and having not A SINGLE BAD EVENT!. This gives him the record of under 45 seconds in the leaderboard.

That's how he managed to scrapped all of the extra seconds and managed to get 450% bonus on the peanuts harvest.

His record is still plausible to be beaten since his mouse placement needs a bit improvement but as I said every milliseconds count.

  • Mouse Placement Mouse placement is very important as having a good placement on the tools and the peanuts will give you a little more time.

If the planting gets canceled from the mouse placement, that's milliseconds lost right there.

  • Calendar Start Skip Yes even this game has a skip. On the beginning of the game, after your first turn, you can spam the same button twice which results the calendar skipped and you can place crops while the calendar is loading which saves you even a milliseconds from waiting. But this skip is only at the start and will not work on other turn.

This is a video doing the skip:

  • Possible WR If you think that getting under 45 seconds seems impossible, well it's not and I believe that you can get under 30 seconds. This results having all the events Splendid Harvest and very good placement (not getting your crops cancelled mid-placing) and executing the Calendar Start Skip can scrap that extra seconds and getting over $2,575 on your balance in under 4 turns. As well as very good mouse placement, messing up on this perfect run can be devastating.

  • Crops Price RNG Getting a good price for your crop can easily save you money and time. getting a peanut under $20 is good.

(I myself is very unlucky and only get Good Season only, sed)

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Just be sure that it's semi-active still to ensure that the game can still be pl

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投稿日 2 years ago
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