(WIP) Setup for Characters
(WIP) Setup for Characters
Aggiornato 5 years ago di sunsaintDC

Hey everyone, I want to add a guide for setting up your character as it can be quite daunting at first with all the different variables. Note, this is a work in progress. It is also highly open to suggestions because, like I said, there are a lot of variables and not many people delving into them. Still, this guide will serve as a good place to get up and running so you can experiment further.

First things first, get your character up to level 100, and max out their proficiency. You do not need to Promote each character, though you'll want to promote a couple. This is because you will need 5 extremely strong fighters to get though the the harder levels in Gauntlet Mode (it can get VERY difficult if you are not prepared.) Although I did, I don't think you need to promote the characters past the fifth promotion. This is where you max out their upgrade stones. Further promotions might allow you to forgo certain attributes and items, but I don't have a great understanding since it is so time consuming to reach max promotion.

WEAPONS The strongest weapons in this game are the "X" weapons that can be crafted via ingredients found in Gauntlet Mode. Before you get that far, I recommend just using the 3 or 4 star weapons rather than the single big star weapons. These big stars weapons are overall good, but the time it takes to mac out their compatibility isn't worth it when we're not going to be using them long-term. Now, how do you craft the 5 star X weapons? There are two main ingredients: The generic ingredients like Cotton Fabric, Amber, and Pheasant Wing. These are obtained a variety of ways like opening green and red chests in gauntlet mode or killing the "otherworld" spawned characters, among others. Eventually though, you will have more than enough of these ingredients to craft every weapon you need. The other ingredients are unique to each fighter and can be obtained by killing that fighter in higher miasma gauntlet mode. For example, if you are trying to get Cao Ren's 5 star weapon, you must kill him twice in gauntlet mode and have him drop a red gem. The ingredient will appear as "Diamond Shield." I've found that these items will drop around 50 miasma, and stop at around 80 miasma. It is not difficult to get them, but if you are trying for a specific fighter it may be a while before they appear on a stage list.

WEAPON ATTRIBUTES There are a lot of good attributes, and some really bad ones. Which ones you choose will largely be based on which character you plan on using. Some characters may benefit greatly from attributes like Might, Blast, or Frenzy while others will not get any use. In general though, there are a few universals: Brilliance/Wrath Brilliance is, once again, the ubiquitous attribute. If a character doesn't rely on musou or special attacks, brilliance should be the first attribute on their weapon. For characters that do use musou attacks, Wrath works as a substitute just fine. In fact, you may want wrath anyway depending on what level and mode you are playing. Regardless, these attributes are near game-breaking and should be on any character that will be doing the heavy lifting on your team. After brilliance/wrath, the attributes you use become more specialized to each fighter. There are still a couple that almost every fighter wants: Typhoon Great attribute to sweep crowds and keep enemies off you. It also adds range to those who may not have it. Courage Officers constitute the bulk of the danger in this game, and definitely become a priority in speedrunning. Reach Range allows you to attack earlier, which means earlier kills. It also keeps enemies off you and sweeps crowds more effectively. There are a few characters who don't need it, primarily projectile and special-heavy characters, but even then range may be useful. Brawn Everyone uses normal attacks this is a great attribute. Echo hard to really tell the effect of this one will all the effects that come out each attack, but I feel pretty good using it so... yea Elemental Let's talk about the elementals in this game. They are a must for each fighter, but you wanna be careful about how you

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