Mexicothenesmaster6 years ago

Wow impressive. Thank you so much Red. I saw all your detailed video. I think this should be later in the guides section.

Well if somebody could master this, with all the other stuff like you, Skunky, Whitman or another turtle player I think somebody could try the WR of 17:16 someday for any%. This is not allowed in glitchless however.

Ey Red in Area 4 Level 10 there is a mega ultra conveyor, like 7 big ones in a road, could you go sometime to explore it, to see if you get an extra speed?

Also do you know the wheels of the Technodrome Guardian is actually a conveyor?

There is small 3 conveyors in the early rooms of Area 4, the one you always have 3 beetles or 3 ballon's, can you get a speed boost there in the medium conveyor?

Thanks a lot Red. So now you have your flashcart hope you will explore the game some time to see if you find something new like your OK in the hidden secret room of the technodrome. By the way what happens if you beat the game doing that long route, does something could change?

Thanks a lot Red and hope you see you soon with more Turtle investigation. And good luck to go now for the 2nd place maybe, you are so near, hope you the best. As also I hope the best to all Turtle players of this leaderboards too.

Mexicothenesmaster6 years ago

You are right CL:

I am just saying that the time that I press start it works for me in the real physical NES. The exact fram that Ultra credits are gone. It works for me in both versions, physical real NES and real emulator too. Well is just my experience in the game and you could use it as a second option to have Technodrome in first cave. It has work for me, so anybody who wants could try it, if they want. Thanks CL.

Mexicothenesmaster6 years ago

I want to tell just to important things:

1.- Is not the same to reset to turn off the game. To have it the exact button you need it to power off. Is my experience. Because all data starts new when is power off. So is most accurate to turn power off to press the button each time. But is respectful if you just one to reset, but that's the reason Technodrome appears less.

2.- This is super important. I press the start button the exact second of frame that the Ultra credits from the beginning are gone. So with this, no matter if Emulator or Physical NES. I got the Technodrome first cave location almost all the time, I think if I am 100% accurate the exact instant the ultra credits are gone. I have got the technodrome like 99% of the time. So for me that start button and that exactly moment works, if somebody once want to try it, consistent. So by that you will have 2 options: 1.- The one that I told you and 2.- The time the mayority press the start button. (2 good options for Technodrome first cave).

Mexicothenesmaster6 years ago

Well I finally went to all the buildings, warehouses, sewers and spin offs of the game, and tried everything.

So beside the Area 4: level 2 that we were talking about the other day that you can't do anything. There is another ceiling glitch in Area 4: Level 10. If you do it you go to a strage ugly place with a boomerang guy and rare background, your turtle dies when it touches the floor. This is the final unexplored ceiling glitch in the game if somebody want to test it, if he gets another results.

Because Inside the technodrome you can do the ceiling glitch in the downstairs of the spikes, near to first full pizza. But you only go to a prision, is like the prision of technodrome, nothing else.

And inside the technodrome where is the second full pizza, next to the final celing glittch. There is only 2 options if you do the glitch. If you do in the left side you only scroll down 1 screen that's all. And in the right you only get trapped before the trash junkie room of the technodrome, no matter if you play real physical NES or emulator, is the same.

I want to tell you that you can't press start button in the final battle against Shredder, is the only part in the game.

Well the all pizzas supposly future category I don't think anybody would want to play that, is so crazy. The only crazy place for doing that is Area 4, but still can somehow do it. But I think is not a sane category, and Rot suggested one time, but I don't think anybody want to do that, so that supposly third category, that would be a mean category, nothing serious is better to erase it from out minds, unless you think different.

Finally in Area 4: level 11: Is a mega conveyor, because there are like 7 in a row, all the way to the right.

And the wheels of the Technodrome is a big conveyor too, once you killed all, including the final electricity of behind of the technodrome.

Finally there is something with the troll pizza. If you press start before going to the guilliotine in Area 4: level 17. Aprill will tell you "Are weapons and energy OK? Foot Clan is Near". So 2 things about this:

1.- Is the only one time in the game that you don't have Aprill Supprot. (she doesn't say that only this time). 2.- Is a Taunt or tease you, because if you go down in the Guilliotine One Hit KO before Big Mousser there is a Star Weapon (Are weapons says April) and there is a Full Throll Pizza (and Energy OK? says April.).

So in conclusion she want you to be killed by the guilliotine, I think that's the way the developers and Ultra Rare Games did it and thinked about in June 1989 when it came this game.

Thanks for reading and hope something of this you would like. The investigation of the TMNT is concluded.

Mexicothenesmaster6 years ago

Hi everyone:

I was playing all builings, sewers, levels, spin offs of the game. And making the ceiling glitch in all the possible ways. And finaly you can do a ceiling glitch at the end of the level 2 of the Area 4. The area that you jump 2 things, then go downstairs and kill a mini boomerang guy boss, then upstairs jump to times and finally kill the last boomerangs guys or avoid it. So at the end of this level where a fly annoyes you, there is the first place you can do the ceiling glitch from the beggining of the game. I made it and it goes down to level 17, the exact second before to the door that gives you to Big Mousser. I am not good with the jumps to get out of the ceilings glitches, but I think if you wish somebody could try it to see if they can go out of that ceiling glitch and warp all area 4 until the door of big mousser.

I was playing the supposly all pizzas possible future category and you win more missiles, you use the rope only once, if you use the only rope (red one this time, the only time of this color) they give you as a reward a scroll. And finally in the Area 3 Building 4 you need to do obligatory the rope skip technique to reach the other side because the other guy is so far and also you are to close to the sky and you can't jump anymore, is a hard jump but I did it two times succesfully.

Thanks for reading and hope it helps little bit for exploring and researching of the complete game.

Mexicothenesmaster6 years ago

Can somebody please explain me how conveyor belt works please?

I saw Red video because as far as I know he is the only one that uses.

I see that Donatello jumps near to the left part of conveyor and attacks down and I think I see it goes faster, but not sure.

Mexicothenesmaster6 years ago

Great Job Red Head:

I like the room that is up to the room you landed, is the secret hidden room of Technodrome in my words.

I did other glitches in the technodrome, if you do this trick in the stairs next to the full pizza in the part 1 of technodrome you will get to a chamber, like a prison.

If you do the glitch next to the final full pizza of Technodrome, in the right you only go one screen down. And in the second you get trapped in the wall before getting to the hidden room.

When I down the stairs in the secret hidden room of Technodrome I get to a strage place that I called the Dimension X. You need to down that stairs to see by your self. But the thing you put in this video is new for me. Thanks.

Mexicothenesmaster6 years ago

No disageements. You already make the category, so now is official. So this is the final rules, thanks and good luck to all. I want to see the first run that is submitted in leaderbor, well see you soon and have a fun time.

Mexicothenesmaster6 years ago

Lazarus great job, but I have only two questions:

1.- What about the foot soldiers head in the Technodrome boss that can't hit you? When you are in the wheels and they are in the bottom. 2.- What about the final Bobba Fet (jetpack) sub boss before Shredder, that if you go all the way to the left and press down, he can't hit you.

Other than this I agree with you Lazarus, I like it, great job, thanks.

Mexicothenesmaster6 years ago


As Whitman said there is a lot of stuff going in this game.

So this is my final opinion for what is not allowed in this supposed category:

1.- No exact start button when you begin the game, it should be at any time random. 2.- No jump clip ledges trick (like in area 2, there are 3 of them) 3.- No kill the cars with select 4.- No kill Slash in that corner upside where it can't make you damage 5.- No ceiling glitches (the top players in this game make at least 4 of them) 6.- No Donatello special with the Bo-Scrolls technique (even this is hard to master) 7.- No start button to the Giant Mousser 8.- In Technodrome boss, if you are in the top, the foot soldiers that are down can't hurt you, so you have to kill that foot soldier. (similar to Slash thing) 9.- No killing the last Bobba Fett (jetpack) in the left corner with Donatello where it can't hurt you. 10.- Don't kill Shredder in the exact spot, where it can't hit you and even if you don't attack he won't walk or anything.

Well it would be hard if somebody want to speedrun this game without all of this. The most difficult will be the Technodrome boss, and they will take more damage because they can't do the third ceiling glitch that is a mega shortcut inside the Technodrome.

But his is my opinion, as Whitman said, I think we are ok with the only category we have. We don't need other category, We are fine in my opinion.

Maybe an all pizzas run will be interesting if somebody dares to do it. I have done it once, and is so crazy and more hard to go to the TMNT Lost Levels (all the buildings, and places that are in the game).

Mexicothenesmaster6 years ago


Well in the final ceiling glitch inside the Technodrome, if you are playing with a real physical NES and the original physical game, if you fail that glitch you enter to the secret hidden room of the Technodrome.

So there is a door to the left with a lot of warnings, if you go to that door you game frozens 100%.

So if you go the left you will encounter the most dangerous foes at the same time: Mega Cangoroos, with Laser robots, with Bobba Fetts in the air (jetpacks), with boomeran guys and flys, if you pass all that there is a shuriken weapon by itself (never appear before without killing enemys, I least I think is a shuriken, could be a new weapon). And after that is a stairs. Your game will kinda a frooze and you think it's over. But if you are very patient and press right plus b a lot of times you reach the stairs. If you press down to scroll the stairs a lot of times and have a lot of patience and luck you will finally get to the scroll down screen.

In that final screen is a ultra glitch room, or the hidden data of the game. It looks ultra weird. Finally if you pass that ultra rare bizzarre world in the next screen down your game will frozen totally.

My guess is that maybe some unused data and abandoned last room of the technodrome was made, buy never see the light. Because different to the other places you fall in the glitches. This place looks like it had a very good potencial of being in the final game. Well is my theory. For a not expert is really hard to get to this secret room, because you need the final glitch of the Tecnodrome.

Have a nice day, and you can try by your selfs if you want to see that ultra rare bizarre world down the secret hidden room of technodrome.

Thanks for listening to me.

Mexicothenesmaster6 years ago

HI everyone, as Whitman Price say, there is a lot of stuff in this game.

But I will tell my points for a glitchless in my opinion:

1.- No technodrome button start, you should put Start when the Turtles are using it's weapons, or after the first cinematic, when we saw Shredder with April. 2.- No killing the cars with select as I do 3.- No ceilling glitches 4.- No pause on Big Mousser 5.- No killing Shredder in that left corner where it can't hit you.

Dontaello Bo Scroll special is allowed if somebody will know how to do that difficult move. Because for me that's not a glitch, is the special of Donatello. As in further games the Turtles always have specials.

Info su thenesmaster
The Legendary NESMaster
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