United Statesshade_the3 years ago

So I have been playing the game lately and found that if there is an oxygen pipe placed in front of your pods door, the exit animation does not happen and you instantly are in the water able to move on exit. Maybe this is known, and even more likely useless but thought it was neat

discussione: Remember Me
United Statesshade_the4 years ago

Apparently the invite was not set to permanent, so I refreshed the discord server invite link, sorry for the issues!

discussione: Sword of Mana
United Statesshade_the4 years ago

So while I am learning this I am slowly working on notes for my self, and as well as others because this game gets a little crazy with optimization. I have already improved a couple of things but I myself am only in an hour into the run overall and only have official notes for just the first 20-30 min. But will add to it as I continue if anyone is curious. If someone would like access to add to this their own notes or want to place their own, they can add comments to this .docs or comment below. I will move this to the Guides tab only once its done, otherwise, it really is not a full guide.


xDrHellx e MelonSlice ti piace questo
discussione: Sword of Mana
United Statesshade_the4 years ago

Hey wanted to give you a heads up, the rules have now been added along with emu rulings :) also I am currently also typing up a route based on the video.

xDrHellx piace questo
discussione: Sword of Mana
United Statesshade_the4 years ago

Im not a mod but I have been running it a bit and can say Bizhawk is really close if not next to perfect in timing compared to the non emu run so I would imagine it is. It is what I have been using for running plus there is an emu run on there already.

xDrHellx piace questo
discussione: Remember Me
United Statesshade_the4 years ago

Here is an example of the things I will be posting on the Discord server btw :) new time saves! Two in episode 2 and more coming

discussione: Speedrunning
United Statesshade_the4 years ago

Usually, when I see is games having different categories for what they are playing on it is for decent reasons. Either the versions are different enough to where there are different things in the game, or the FPS difference actually makes an impact, these kinds of things. If the only thing different between the runs is purely some loading lasts consistently longer, I am not sure if that is enough of a reason? If the game is active enough and has enough runners, then it could be worth doing if times are pushed that far to where the loading makes a large difference and is a consistent thing.

discussione: The Site
United Statesshade_the4 years ago

Hello, id like to request to add Guild Wars 2 Category Extensions (new game I added) as listed as category extensions (for the already existing guild wars 2). It won't let me add it as that myself and it said come here. I am a mod for the guild wars series. Thanks

Habreno piace questo
discussione: Remember Me
United Statesshade_the4 years ago

I think you will be happy to know I got low enough during an air walk to walk exactly where you stood during the trigger for the Zorn to die (though I assume just you moving OOB didn't kill it but it jumping to you? I still don't know if just you being OOB triggered victory) but I was in an air walk so nothing happened , however you can get inside the fight zone and take damage from a mine.

When I took damage from a mine, it semi knocked me out of an air walk. I walked a little odd, however I could trigger the memory right away, but sadly I could not use my RB to Target him, and just spammed B and it did nothing. So my current idea is to toy around in this area but you can get perfectly ground level with the Zorn area and go all around if and inside it. I did not try and find a way to get under it, this could very well change things but I ran out of time for tonight

Zorn skip isn't dead quite yet :)

discussione: Remember Me
United Statesshade_the4 years ago

Due to the amount of work done off of.the forums and to not clog up and spam them for non serious things, it was suggested earlier this year to have a discord server to store all of it during testing and for discussions and what not.

I created this server for it. So if any of the active mods here and any runners or people interested in joining feel free!

I will just slowly be moving all our built up info from here, twitch, dms, video,.etc., to there as to have it somewhat organized hopefully. Hope everyone has had great holidays/2019!

United Statesshade_the4 years ago

Full credit to and his friend who found this but:

Basically, one player uses time warp and then the second teles back to where that player is, and when the first player uses time warp again, that second player gains insane movement speed. Currently there is no known way to do this wouthout co-op but it does make things interesting for co-op runs once that ever becomes a thing

United Statesshade_the4 years ago

The issue with multi-person runs is how to do official timings since you cannot all be in a lobby and then start. You would all end together but all of your starting times would be different.

Also, I should mention the new rules/layout updates that we have all been working on :)

United Statesshade_the4 years ago

I have found another glitch in the game. So it is quite easy to notice you can start moving during the loading screen blackness. If you do so as soon as you enter a level, and get down the ladder/hole fast enough (usually you see all the items around you fall into place when this happens), whatever boss it is, becomes stuck/stationary at the gate to the end of the level. The minotaur will still walk around sometimes however he will just basically pretend you do not exist. This makes levels basically free. However, you lose the ability to hear where they come from so you spend more time looking.

United Statesshade_the4 years ago

Almost all the bosses either give you a weapon to use, can be cheesed with spear jumping, or using a speed boost jump.

Satyr: Gives you a sword. Attack once and if he doesn't jump back, back up to dodge his attack, then hit again and repeat. If he does jump backwards, push forwards to him and hit again, and repeat.

Cerberus: Currently trying double spear tactics for jumping on top of arch. Speed Boost jump works.

Centaur: Gives trident, just poke him a few times. Double spear tactics work by jumping on column, throwing to coin room floor, then going back and throwing spear into invisible wall facing coin room as a ramp, but this is slower than just killing him I think. Speed Boost jump is an option.

Manticore: Gives you bow and arrows. Just keep shooting and walking backwards.

Griffon: Gives you bow and arrows. Just keep shooting and walking backwards.

Medusa: You get a bow and arrows, same as Griffon and Manticore.

Hydra: Speed Boost jump. Have not tested spear jumping but looks like it would be easily done.

Minotaur 1: Just grab the coin, no fight.

Minotaur 2 (Final Boss): Just spear the wall and jump to the coin (aka spear jump).

United Statesshade_the4 years ago

Page thoughts:

  1. It would be nice to see some rules added for the runs. Such as, what would count as glitchless compared to with glitches since there is no discussion of what counts as a glitch yet? I also think timing should start on selecting Yes to starting over, and include the story clicking as part of the run as its easier to manage/more accurate. Unless someone makes an auto splitter or something.

  2. Other categories I have ideas for would be a full library run? I dont remember if you need to beat the game to get a full library but if it works out this could be fun. A 100% run would be interesting, though maybe it would be different than AA (all achievements run) so could have that too.

In-game Finds:

  1. Movement I found some interesting things. It is very inconsistent but, sometimes you can get sprint jumps backwards without sprinting. Also, jumping backwards goes farther than jumping forwards. As for speed, I feel backwards in general, is a bit faster not sure though. You can also get bumped by jumping into slants you can't jump up or bumped backwards walking backwards over small items.

  2. You can jump on spears you through into walls, and can get 2 spears, There is a lot of fast manoeuvring over things to traverse places.

  3. Spear and Club seem to get everything done. Can farm gold quite easily, resetting to chamber reloads jars. Also, resetting to chamber always loads last entered area, unless you quit out, then it resets to the middle.

  4. I found that reloading to chamber on new game start skips the whole beginning and spawns you outside the pool with a torch, saving time. I also confirmed that torch key skip works still.

Would be cool to talk about the game, its still really fun to play.

discussione: Remember Me
United Statesshade_the4 years ago

Anyone find any info out about this yet?

discussione: Remember Me
United Statesshade_the4 years ago

I do not think remixes should be skipped because its still inputs we have to do, tho some are freaking annoying, its still inputs and memory the runner has to learn and perform as fast as possible. I personally would be against remixes being skipped. Next time i do a run ill keep this in mind and do a list of cut scenes i think should be skipped

United Statesshade_the4 years ago

It would be cool to remove the loading screens from the timer as this is fully dependant on the pc and if you have loaded it on that session of the app opening. Sometimes I even go through and load all the maps on a character before doing a run to speed up the loading..

Info su shade_the
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