discussione: Super Metroid
Texas, USAmishrak1096 years ago

There’s a million problems with the run, but the most obvious are:

  1. Playing a movie and then trying to make noises and buttons line up with the game play. Spoiler: they don’t.
  2. A very obvious and bad splice during the Draygon fight. The audio drop is so clear it’s laughable.
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discussione: Super Metroid
Texas, USAmishrak1097 years ago

"I'm completely civil here. "

Lets see: "just because a "community" of people don't understand the English language" " It's not hard, and it will make people take you more seriously." "So, as far as I can see it's agreed that the rules are stupid and it's based on "tradition" "I don't really care what the contents of them are, and couldn't care less about this game as a whole" " I'm here to help you all look less retarded in front of the rest of the speedrunners"

So you've said we're a community of people who don't understand English, aren't taken seriously, look retarded in front of the rest of the speed running community, that you don't care about the game, and that our rules are stupid.

Get. Out. You are not welcome here.

And then you go off and make another thread after this one was locked without a resolution to your liking. You're a toxic person, and I hope this thread gets relocked.

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discussione: Super Metroid
Texas, USAmishrak1097 years ago

"They're outdated and serve no practical purpose." - To you maybe

They've been this way for ages and we've no issues. Why should we suddenly have an issue because one person on the internet doesn't agree with how we do it?

"I'm not here to cause drama or make an uproar, I'm here to help you all look less retarded in front of the rest of the speedrunners. That's all."

I think we've got it covered, thanks.

discussione: Super Metroid
Texas, USAmishrak1097 years ago

I love how random idiots who clearly have never watched nor played Super Metroid think they can come in and try to have an opinion on how we should categorize the speed runs. Gtfo, seriously.

"All you're doing is causing unnecessary drama"

Might want to re-read that Cyber

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