Kent, Englanddrgrumble4 years ago

Join us at twitch.tv/mobilespeedrun between 3.25pm and 10.30pm UTC Tuesday 14 April 2020 for a marathon stream of some of the best speedruns on mobile and web, in association with the mobile speedrunning discord.

The full schedule is at https://oengus.io/marathon/WHaMathon2/schedule and anyone is welcome to join the event server at https://discord.gg/KGZ92Ma if they had queries. Hope to see you there!

Kent, Englanddrgrumble4 years ago

Hi. Please can Android and iOS platforms be added? I'm not sure if there are any differences in the versions and whether it would warrant a separate category, but I will try a run soon and find out.

Cytruss piace questo
Kent, Englanddrgrumble4 years ago

ItzSlaY requested I add a 100% category, and I also see that in early 2019 a new 'pro' difficulty was added to career mode.

I have amended the leaderboards accordingly. I have moved all existing full game runs to 'Amateur / Any%' because, as far as I know, the previous career mode is equivalent to the current amateur league, but I haven't played the game enough recently to be certain. If anyone notices that current amateur league career is materially different to the 'old' career mode, please let me know.

Kent, Englanddrgrumble4 years ago

Wasn't sure if this was the right forum to post this, but as this is ineligible for a marathon page....

We are hosting a 9 hour mini marathon on 13 November 2019 starting at 3:30pm UTC at https://www.twitch.tv/mobilespeedrun .

The marathon schedule: https://tinyurl.com/yye9l4s8 Horaro version: https://horaro.org/whamathon/schedule

Kent, Englanddrgrumble5 years ago

Hey LMI! I've done one or two IL runs and presumed start frame would be on 'tap to continue' (after the level has loaded) as load times may vary across devices. Example:

Would it be possible to adjust the rules, or do you want to keep it as it is?

Kent, Englanddrgrumble5 years ago

The final boss in Shadowgun is crying out for a nickname. Any suggestions?


He reminds me of a celebrity but I can't for the life of me think who it is. There's a touch of William Dafoe..

Quivico piace questo
Kent, Englanddrgrumble5 years ago

Hey! Nice game, I may well give this one a go - are there any glitches or exploits in the run?

If any of you are interested in speedrunning mobile games in general you should check out the mobile speedrunning discord at https://discordapp.com/invite/F2fJjUg

Kent, Englanddrgrumble5 years ago

Game looks fun. My question is how much RNG is there, particularly in the opening stage, i.e. are enemy spawns (number and type of enemies) random, and is damage output partly RNG? The reason I ask is that we have a competition in the mobile speedrunning discord ( https:/​/​discord.​gg/​F2fJjUg ) every couple of weeks and this could be a good game to choose (first stage only probably), but if there is a big element of luck then probably not.

Kent, Englanddrgrumble5 years ago

Please could the marathon date / time in the 'About' page be shown as an absolute rather than a countdown? I have tried changing my settings but it does not seem to affect it (unless I am being stupid, which is quite possible).

Kent, Englanddrgrumble5 years ago

Please can UncleRonny's Floating Speedrun Timer for Android ( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=il.ronmad.speedruntimer&hl=en ) be added to the Resources-Timers list? It is currently the best on-screen timer option on mobile.

Oxknifer e Imaproshaman ti piace questo
Kent, Englanddrgrumble5 years ago

Hey all

It seems likely this game (specifically, level 5) will be chosen for this round of a bi-weekly competition we hold at the Mobile Speedrunning Discord. Essentially, members can try and get the best time in that category and get points at the end of the week based on their rank on the board.

I thought I'd mention it here in case anyone who wasn't already in the MSD (I know some of you are, cough Cyt, Bogi) wanted to join and take part in the comp.

Comp starts 2pm UTC February 4 2019 and ends when someone has held WR for at least 3 days anytime after 2pm UTC February 11 2019. Discord is at https://discord.gg/F2fJjUg

Whether or not you want to take part, you should join us at the MSD if you have any interest in mobile speedrunning!

Bogdan_mk piace questo
Kent, Englanddrgrumble5 years ago

@Ianwubby Is there a material difference in the performance of the different karts / characters? If so, and given that croako (?) cannot be unlocked without paying, is it possible to create a sub-category for free / paid? The reason I ask is that there is interest in running this game (probably 1-1 5 lap) in the Mobile Speedrunning Discord competition, but we only do free games.

Edit: You are welcome to the discord https://discord.gg/F2fJjUg

Spielpro piace questo
Kent, Englanddrgrumble6 years ago

Over at the Mobile Speedrunning Discord we periodically choose a game / category to compete in for at least a week, and this time round we've chosen League of Evil Blue-Spy% (mobile version). This is just a heads up that there will be some runs incoming in that category and you guys are welcome to join in of course - https://discord.gg/F2fJjUg

kdx2a, DracaarysTrophy e 2 Altri ti piace questo
Kent, Englanddrgrumble6 years ago

All exhibition runs currently require base stats, and the career mode run allows use of a fully levelled profile.

If anyone wanted to run exhibition using a levelled profile and/ or wanted to do a career run starting from base stats only, let me know and I can add the relevant sub-categories.

Kent, Englanddrgrumble6 years ago

Some of you know of it already, but there is a mobile speedrunning discord at https://discord.gg/ujkXu29

It's a good place to find other mobile games which meet your criteria for speedrunning, to introduce other runners to mobile speedgames you are interested in or to discuss mobile speedrunning in general. We also hold competitions periodically where we have a week to compete in a game / category voted on by the members.

Kent, Englanddrgrumble6 years ago

As someone else has previously mentioned, there is a tiny difference between iOS and Android, specifically level 1 design. I think levels 2-4 are the same between platforms but I don't know about any other levels as I only have Android.

I could make iOS / Android subcategories. However, if the difference is only in level 1 and (from what I could tell) did not make a huge difference, I am tempted to leave it. Thoughts?

Maanlex e Bogdan_mk ti piace questo
Kent, Englanddrgrumble6 years ago

For discussion about mobile games including suggested speedrunnable titles, resources / tips and a regular competition, a good place is the Mobile Speedrunning discord https://discord.gg/ujkXu29

Kent, Englanddrgrumble6 years ago

On a lot of games I run it is increasingly common for there to be categories for groupings of IL's, most typically, a category for each 'World' or 'Stage' of the game. Indeed, Individual World categories are much more popular than full game in lots of games (e.g. https://www.speedrun.com/sdd ) because a 5-10 minute run is more accessible than a 30-60 minute run.

However, I don't think the leaderboards accommodate Segments (i.e. 'individual worlds' or 'stages' or 'acts') very cleanly as they either have to be put as a full game category (which technically they aren't), or as an IL (which technically they aren't) or as a Miscellaneous category (which isn't ideal especially if the IW's are more popular than full game).

It would be great to be able to add a third leaderboard type, i.e. Segment, in addition to Full Game / Individual Level, or find some other way to more neatly incorporate those categories into the game's page.

DracaarysTrophy, Bogdan_mk e 2 Altri ti piace questo
Kent, Englanddrgrumble6 years ago

Hi LaserTrapGamer. I'm from the mobile speedrunning discord (https://discord.gg/ujkXu29 - welcome to join). We periodically select a game to compete in as a community for a short while and we selected Colorblind (Iris City Any%) this time round (it was ported to mobile quite recently). Competition lasts at least a week and thereafter until someone has held wr for at least 3 days.

We don't want to be rude and take over your leaderboard but it would be really appreciated if you could: (1) Add iOS and Android in the platform list for this game (2) Make Mobile a subcategory (alongside PC / Web) (3) Make 'No IAP' / 'IAP' subcategories too (our comp doesn't allow them) (4) (Just for the duration of the comp) make me, Oxknifer and cros107 verifier only mods. We are mods of the discord and help get 'entries' in the competition verified asap.

Again, we definitely don't want to hijack your lb, we just really liked this game as a mobile speedgame and would love to take it on!

SaturnTheWolf, 607 e 4 Altri ti piace questo
Kent, Englanddrgrumble6 years ago

Just downloaded this game and will definitely give 1.3 easy a try.

Are there any route guides available that you could point me to or if not could anyone let me have a brief description of the route? A map, if anyone has one, would be especially useful.

I see we got an update today on Google Play but it just says that there are some 'minor bug fixes' so hopefully the existing 1.3 route is still ok.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Zanum piace questo
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