Englandbradyo23 months ago

GG mate, great job

misternyanta piace questo
Englandbradyo26 months ago

Absolutely huge! Well done!

Mr_Tomahawk e LordKianster ti piace questo
Englandbradyo210 months ago

MOD COMMENT: Whilst there's no reason to reject this run, we would appreciate it if any further submissions were a little better quality. Better quality videos ensure that it's easier for us to check all the timings are correct and there's no issues with cheating or anything. It would also be preferable if you could upload the footage to a more mainstream site for the boards in future as well. Thanks in advance and GG on the run!

Buildercat e Mr_Tomahawk ti piace questo
discussione: Streets of Rage 2
Englandbradyo210 months ago

As far as I'm aware, there's no consistent strat for it. It does randomly happen on rare occaisions, but I've never been able to find a way to do it on purpose sadly!

discussione: Streets of Rage 2
Englandbradyo211 months ago

Hi Stencilite, welcome to the community!

As far as I'm aware, there's no consistent strat currently to get both of them to line up 100% of the time for the atomic drop. Usually when you gain control of Max, if you just hold right and don't slide/thunder tackle, then with a quick turn at the end you should be able to grab the one that drops from the sky. I go straight into an atomic drop from there and get the other Ninja to join in on it about 40-50% of the time? It's possible there is some RNG manipulation you could pull to get this figure higher but as of yet I don't believe anyone has the magic key!

Mr_Tomahawk e LordKianster ti piace questo
Englandbradyo21 year ago

wow holy shit wtf. GG, that's mental!

Englandbradyo21 year ago

GG! With the shadows as well, this Axel pallette looks sick!

MisterJay piace questo
Englandbradyo21 year ago

The best skate player in the entire world…that is named pushead2

pushead2 piace questo
discussione: Streets of Rage 2
Englandbradyo21 year ago

Hey Devilsquest. Been using the new update for a couple of weeks now and noticed no issues at all. Will keep you updated if I do eventually find any bugs!

Devilquest piace questo
discussione: Streets of Rage 2
Englandbradyo21 year ago

@devilsquest Hey man! Thanks for this, really appreciate the update. I'll get this all set up and let you know if I find anything!

Devilquest, Mr_Tomahawk, e emiliopoison ti piace questo
Englandbradyo22 years ago

Heads up, this has gone on as 13h 48m, not 13m 48s!

Rivz piace questo
discussione: Streets of Rage 2
Englandbradyo22 years ago

Great question. There's a picture floating around on the internet that I cannot find any more that shows his hitbox, hopefully someone will have it saved somewhere. My only recommendation with him is try and hit him in the face with the backswing of your sword attack, it's not 100% reliable but reliable enough to make you stop worrying about it

ScottyD piace questo
discussione: Streets of Rage 2
Englandbradyo23 years ago

Hey dude, just a quick update to let you know that the autosplitter has been working great so far.

These aren't complaints at all but just a couple of things I thought I'd let you know in case you wanted to perfect it. I've no issues using it in it's current state!

  • So when you leave the game on the "press start to play" title page and the demo starts playing, the autosplitter thinks it's an actual run and starts timing.

  • For my streams I run the full autosplitter w/ subsplits and elevator waves for my own personal use and ALSO use the autosplitter with only the end-of-level splits for the viewers to see at the same time. The two livesplits end up being slightly different times from each other by the end of a run (usually within 0.5 seconds).

I'll update you if I find anything else. Cheers!

discussione: Streets of Rage 2
Englandbradyo23 years ago

Thanks mate!

discussione: Streets of Rage 2
Englandbradyo23 years ago

Ok test worked fine, no issues to note. My only question now is whereabouts can I find the icons used in your template files? I have used the script and linked it to my own splits so as to keep my times and info intact, but I can't copy over all the split icons you used for each of the subsplits and waves

discussione: Streets of Rage 2
Englandbradyo23 years ago

You are the man, thanks so much. I'll test it out and let you know if I find any issues!

discussione: Streets of Rage 2
Englandbradyo23 years ago

Dude, this is absolutely fantastic work thank you so much! You've really gone above and beyond by doing the sub-splits and even the elevator waves! I love that you've even got the icons for all of these too!

This will be super useful for me to use so thanks again. I will let you know if I have any issues with it!

I do have 1 question - is it possible to change when exactly it splits? Just because I split at a slightly different point than most other runners at the end of a level so if that is something I could easily customise, I'd be interested in knowing!

discussione: Streets of Rage 2
Englandbradyo23 years ago

Hi guys,

Has anyone ever used an auto-splitter on a game they've speedrun before? Does anyone know how it works or how it can be programmed for this game? I had a quick google and it seemed a bit beyond my technical skill levels, but if there's an 'easy' tutorial anyone knew about I'd be interested in learning.

It's a relatively minor inconvenience having to manually split after each level but I feel it might be beneficial to have synchronisation on the exact point where everyone splits to help compare times.

I also think if there was some code that auto-splits when the game hits certain points, it might help when practicing individual levels. I can't be the only one who's wanted to time an individual level and had issues with getting livesplit to start at the right time!

discussione: Streets of Rage 2
Englandbradyo23 years ago

Scotty/Iopa you’ve both ruined my day! I didn’t see this had happened! What the actual fuck! Incredible time. 👏

Looks like I’m going to have to hibernate and win that record back! That sub 17 is coming!

ScottyD e King_iOpa ti piace questo
discussione: Streets of Rage 2
Englandbradyo23 years ago

Hey Scotty,

Thanks for your reply - I agree. I think we should be promoting conversation on this forum as much as possible!

I wanted to just reply to your points:

So for Electra and Barbon, if I understand you correctly I'm not actually resetting the combo. If you stay dead on centre on them then you manage to get your punch's backswing on them which helps continue the rest of the combo. Try it next time you're on top of them and just keep tapping B and you'll see you hit them with: Punch, Punch, Backswing Punch, and then 3 more Punches on the follow through. After that if you Thunder Tackle, you can one-shot them both on V. Easy.

The Jet fight took me ages to mess about with when making this. It's definitely possible to pull off in a real run but really the amount of effort and luck you'd need to get him to move to that spot and be able to get a couple of thunder tackles like that on him make it not worth it IMO.

Vehelits was an enemy I had to fudge it a bit with due to RNG. On paper a better strat is to thunder tackle him and one-shot it. It's possible to do so in a similar way to how you can do the block glitch on Barbon and Zamza. Again though, his weird-ass hitbox makes it very difficult to pull off and unless someone can find a consistant strat to nailing him with a thunder tackle, then sword is the next fastest and safest way to get him.

For Metal whip lady, the strat I use on this is the same I use in my actual runs. Stick to the bottom and keep sliding. The second you see her name pop up then use thunder tackle and you should be good.

Level 4 elevator is pretty optimised now. It's one of my favourite bits when running as the guys are always dropping from the same spots. I practiced a lot with save states on this section and it helps once you know the routine. The 3rd wave of enemies is my favourite bit in the whole game. The whole front throw into an atomic drop, defensive special and forward special is very aesthetic and feels great when you pull it off. It's not that hard to do either with a little practice.

Abadede fight was very weird in this and almost certainly not the quickest way to go about it. No matter what I did though I couldn't work the RNG to get him to stay still at the beginning so I had to make do with what I could here. I believe the best strat so far is: Walking up to just the bottom of the boxes, immediate slide into the boxes and if you time and position it right, the end of the slide should just hit Abadede. Then you elbow drop him and suplex, move out the way so he doesn't get you when standing up again, then repeat the elbow drop and suplex. It difficult to nail consistently but the set up should at least get you into a position where you can hit him with a suplex or an atomic drop so it helps.

Souther is a regular guy who screws me over. I need to practice the strat shown here for him as there's a lot of time to be saved by doing this. Again, the difficulty is working out where you need to be so that he flies onto the screen at just the correct points.

The vulture thunder tackle is very quick here but you can do it almost as quickly with about a 30%/40% consistency. The trick is to stand where Max stands here and when Vulture hits the ground, move down for like a frame or two to allow him time to block and then forward + thunder tackle. You should do a solid amount of damage most times, if not making it a one-shot!

And no worries man, I hope the community can use this to push the time down even further. There is definitely time to be saved and anything that helps others find new strats etc is exciting! Summoning Salt's stuff is amazing too so thanks haha!

ScottyD piace questo
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