discussione: Puggsy
North Carolina, USAauthorblues6 years ago

50 Exit seems like a reasonable solution, provided there is no other way to achieve 50 "exits"

discussione: Times of Lore
North Carolina, USAauthorblues6 years ago

probably needs its own leaderboard. the "any% (PC)" is a DOS run, but the versions look very different

discussione: The Site
North Carolina, USAauthorblues6 years ago

@Gustavo.Predador You added me as a friend on Discord which I didn't accept because I didn't know why someone I didn't share any servers with was adding me as a friend on Discord. Feel free to send me messages directly, however, if you have any questions in the future. I think you just have to share a server in common with me, which shouldn't be hard considering I'm in literally every speedrunning discord server.

Looks like the issue was resolved.

YUMmy_Bacon5 e GustavoPredador ti piace questo
discussione: Titenic
North Carolina, USAauthorblues6 years ago

I think it's fairly obvious that neither of those would be permitted, whether the rules say so or not. They're both debug features left in a horribly broken game.

discussione: Super Mario World
North Carolina, USAauthorblues6 years ago

I use my stream as a platform to make my points as well. You just don't watch it. Not that I blame you for that, but missing my other platforms doesn't mean they don't exist.

If you take issue with social media, stop using it, or at least stop QRTing me every time you want the bandwagon to jump in. If I'm inarticulate, I admit to it and I do my best to clarify. The point I made here was quite easy to understand. Your "literally above it all" devil-may-care attitude is tired.

I've admitted my faults. You'd benefit from doing the same and stop clinging to the idea that you cannot possibly be wrong, especially when at this point you're going out of your way to be demeaning despite my more than metered responses. It'd be good to try to see across the aisle, as I've done with you many times. It's sad you don't see things the same way.

zebs, crazeyawesome, e Mr_Shasta ti piace questo
discussione: Super Mario World
North Carolina, USAauthorblues6 years ago

You assume that because I'm in favor of not putting undue weight on WR that I must also believe that going for WR is harmful. I've never said this, it seems to be an intentional misrepresentation of my point, and if I've said something that hints at this, I apologize for being inarticulate over text. I know you're looking to find a way to suggest that I'm trying to destabilize the competitive aspect of speedrunning, and this is so far from the truth that I hardly recognize your point.

I often go for WR and strive to produce the best quality speedruns I am capable of. I don't know why you keep quoting the "it's a hobby" line at me, because I'm perhaps one of the people who treat it least like "just a hobby". I only take issue with the idea that speedrunning is only about WR.

I agree with your point that some of those who are demotivated might be those who wouldn't have survived anyways, but I do strive to demystify speedrunning and increase accessibility. Perhaps I go about it wrong at times. I'm imperfect and I'm learning.

Bloopiero piace questo
discussione: Super Mario World
North Carolina, USAauthorblues6 years ago

Hello Goose, a pleasure as always to have these discussions with you. Remind me to show you the reply button on Twitter sometime.

You and I actually agree on this, minus the condescending tone and need to be aggressive without knowing what you're talking about. The drive for WR and high level competition is almost always healthy and a positive motivator, but choosing a game for the sake of WR is limiting. I think you'd agree with this statement for fledgling members of the-elite.

WR Culture refers to the notion that the only person or contribution of note is the WR, and that all other runners, by extension, are losers. That puts a lot of pressure on PB-or-perish and turns away new runners who feel like they have no hope of getting WR, whether that it's true or not. It's a mentality that often doesn't come from runners themselves, but rather viewers' misunderstanding of the earnest passion that a runner driven for WR. That can sometimes demotivate new runners, thinking that it is an accepted belief that WR is all that matters, believing that they are unable to reach those goals, giving up before they start.

But hey, what do I know? I'm new here.

vichisuki, Bloopiero e 6 Altri ti piace questo
discussione: Super Mario World
North Carolina, USAauthorblues6 years ago

I don't have a lot of input to provide on the secondary topic: the time saves remaining, without new discoveries, are small. C1 pswitch jump is the biggest one that comes to mind. But for the main topic about picking up SMW, I'd strongly caution you against the mindset that a lot of new speedrunners get into that you should pick up a speedgame in pursuit of WR. There is a lot of undue value place on WR and new runners get conned into this WR culture, where the only thing that matters is getting the top time. If you choose your games based on that criteria, you're going to miss out on a lot of fun, rewarding, challenging games. If you're looking to innovate, SMW still has room for it. New things are discovered often enough. It isn't dead by any means. But let speedrunning be about self-improvement rather than getting caught up in this rat race to the top. There are more spots on the leaderboard than just #1.

cornucanis, KingOfJonnyBoy e 30 Altri ti piace questo
discussione: Titenic
North Carolina, USAauthorblues6 years ago

Thank you sinBAD for this awesome discovery. The potential "optimal" time for this game has just gone way down.

sinBAD piace questo
discussione: Titenic
North Carolina, USAauthorblues6 years ago

So after playing with this today with the help of Cal, we discovered that it is definitely a quirk of the way the chairs hitbox works and has nothing to do with the fish in particular. The setup for this is as follows:

  1. Stand on the ground in front of a chair.
  2. Tap jump and quickly release, and once in the air, hold down.
  3. The game wants you to fall through the base of the chair, but mistakenly lets you fall through the ground to the level below.

This can be demonstrated on any of the chairs (even single, standalone chairs) in level 4.

I think, for this reason, the clip is probably more accurately named the "Chair Clip"

baldnate piace questo
discussione: Hooda What 3
North Carolina, USAauthorblues6 years ago

Also, how does "100%" differ from "Skips" and "No Skips"?

discussione: Hooda What 3
North Carolina, USAauthorblues6 years ago

I'm not sure where these times are coming from. It seems to me that the only time that really should matter is IGT, though real time still seems relevant (the rules should probably better explain what the start and stop point of RTA timing is, something like "start timer when you press start before level 1, time ends when you lose control at the end of level 25")

discussione: Hooda What 3
North Carolina, USAauthorblues6 years ago

What are the skips in this game?

discussione: Super Mario World
North Carolina, USAauthorblues6 years ago

Xander is right. He does sound like an ass. :P

But also he is correct as well.

Also, holy heck, imagine caring about whether your favorite category is visible, under misc, or on the meme boards. Like honestly who cares? Just run the category you want to and submit to the leaderboard if you feel like it. It's not as if NSW got deleted or something. There are just like 800 categories for this game and to keep it uncluttered, the subjectively "best" categories are visible, the rest tucked away under misc. Most (but not all) runners of SMW agree that NCNSW is a category that is more worth highlighting than NSW.

Let the salt flow though. It's kinda amusing.

AntBlueR, keap3 e 3 Altri ti piace questo
North Carolina, USAauthorblues6 years ago

Firstly, this game is real bad and I don't encourage self-harm.

Second, they're not consistent at all. No one has ever, to my knowledge, figured out what causes them to work. If you end up discovering any sort of consistent way to make them work, I'll be very interested to learn more.

Best of luck! (You'll need it)

discussione: Super Mario World
North Carolina, USAauthorblues6 years ago

PI is legal in 11 exit, if I'm not mistaken.

dje4321 piace questo
discussione: The Flash
North Carolina, USAauthorblues6 years ago

Wait, hold up. There are plenty of good and bad emulators. In general, please do not use VBA or VBA-M, they are not accurate for gameboy games. Bizhawk, Gambatte, and BGB are both cycle accurate, with Gambatte and BGB being the best choices.

xenkaroshi e Caidren ti piace questo
discussione: Shrek Extra Large
North Carolina, USAauthorblues6 years ago

I'm cool with the categories being separated. Maybe "Any% No OoB" would be appropriate. This is pretty cool though, might be worth coming back to this game now :)

discussione: Super Mario World
North Carolina, USAauthorblues6 years ago

I bet if his time ended up 54th on the leaderboard, he would personally thank everyone on these forums for your hard work. You'd get personally shouted out on his next video "thanks so much to ay underscore ecks ecks Ezra B ecks ecks ecks underscore bee and jammy thirty-four for helping me get my time on an important leaderboard."

333Rich333, eddiecatgaming e 6 Altri ti piace questo
discussione: Super Mario World
North Carolina, USAauthorblues6 years ago

This forum is hilarious.

rezephae, Parkraft123 e 4 Altri ti piace questo
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