discussione: Darkwing Duck (NES)
SwedenZimond2 years ago

The problem with the skip at the beginning of that screen is that you have to wait for the moving platform to complete its first cycle before you can actually do it. For some dumb reason it doesn't work before that. I don't know exactly why. Maybe there's a way around it?

discussione: Bubble Bobble (NES)
SwedenZimond2 years ago

Hey, I've watched the full run and I can't say I see anything too crazy going on that would lead me to believe the run is not RTA. To me it looks like the runner has a good feel for the game and experience in how the enemies behave and how the hitboxes work. I'd also say that the run looks quite unoptimized (certainly if you compare to the NES run) with lots of waiting that's probably not necessary.

Furthermore, the run was streamed live on the ESAMarathon channel:

discussione: Bubble Bobble (NES)
SwedenZimond2 years ago

Sorry, I don't know if there are iOS emulators. In general, for NES speedrunning, smartphone emulators aren't allowed.

discussione: Bubble Bobble (NES)
SwedenZimond2 years ago

6 years is about my lead time! What version should I add though? This leaderboard is for the NES version, regardless if its on original console, emulator, the NES Classic or whatnot. If some plattform is missing or if you want a leaderboard for a different game in the Bubble Bobble series just let me know and I'll add it.

discussione: Darkwing Duck (NES)
SwedenZimond2 years ago

The Afternoon Collection category on this leaderboard has been removed and all runs on it have been moved to its own leaderboard.

NeGAtiv4k, TGR, e hirexen ti piace questo
discussione: Darkwing Duck (NES)
SwedenZimond3 years ago

I updated the rule a while back but forgot to mention it here. You are allowed to pick up the sub weapons but not use them under any circumstances.

ANGEL_UNDEAD, NeGAtiv4k, e Baras441 ti piace questo
discussione: Bubble Bobble (NES)
SwedenZimond3 years ago

I put together a guide on how to spawn all the relevant items in the run. The number of actions on each level are suggestions and not necessarily optimal. Usually you have to adjust them from run to run depending on what happens.

It's rather messy but hopefully it can be of some use.


A map of all levels can be found on

PapayaJordane e StructuralMike ti piace questo
discussione: Bubble Bobble (NES)
SwedenZimond4 years ago

The category is added

discussione: Darkwing Duck (NES)
SwedenZimond4 years ago

In this category you are not allowed to pick up any sub weapons, even if you don't use them. This has been a rule ever since TMR and Joka created the category. Quite a few runners dislike the rule claiming it to be pointless and that what matters is that you don't use the sub weapons.

There are 3 spots where you have to avoid grabbing a sub weapon in your way (you can check them out in the link if you're interested). Removing the rule would make the run 0.4 seconds faster.

Thoughts on this? Should grabbing sub weapons be allowed as long as you don't use them or should the rule stand as it is? Personally I'm of the opinion that the rule should stand. However if it keeps players from running the category it might be worth changing it.

ANGEL_UNDEAD e NeGAtiv4k ti piace questo
discussione: Darkwing Duck (NES)
SwedenZimond5 years ago

The category is added under Misc now. Have fun!

romekb piace questo
discussione: Bubble Bobble (NES)
SwedenZimond5 years ago

Hey, sure thing!

cheekychunk piace questo
SwedenZimond5 years ago

Nope all I'm saying is that it's an advantage. Not just in terms of convenience, but also cause it can help your gameplay. Iv'e given some examples of why that's the case. Personally I don't really mind people using it either

SwedenZimond5 years ago

Another example is that it can completely remove the randomness of the first boss,manipulating him to always swoop down. Essentially it's like getting exact values from the RAM memory converted into time.

st4nzzz piace questo
SwedenZimond5 years ago

Take the jumpers for example. Some patterns only have a window of 2-4 frames within a cycle. With manual splitting it's not really possible to call that (say going into 3-1). But with frame perfect splitting it's very much possible.

st4nzzz piace questo
SwedenZimond5 years ago

It makes it possible to know what patterns and drops you will get with much higher accuracy. Simple as that really

SwedenZimond5 years ago

Because frame perfect splits in a game that uses a global timer to determine enemy drops and patterns

SwedenZimond5 years ago

Nice work

I've never thought about it before but I do believe st4nzzz has a point here. Auto splitters can be an unfair advantage

discussione: Bubble Bobble (NES)
SwedenZimond5 years ago

Here’s a doc that shows how to spawn the special items and their priority. If a condition is met that item will spawn the next round. If multiple conditions are met the item with the highest priority will spawn and the lower priority item/items will be put in queue and spawn accordingly the upcoming rounds.

There might be some inaccuracies but for speedrunning purposes it should be all good

discussione: Darkwing Duck (NES)
SwedenZimond6 years ago

Oh yeah my bad, -0.85 is correct.

discussione: Darkwing Duck (NES)
SwedenZimond6 years ago

Hey, I've been wanting to clarify the timing of this run.

As far as I know the timing starts when the Help-bubble turns purple. That's a bit weird since it happens after you gain control over the stage select, and even after your first input.

My suggestion is to change it to start the timing when you gain control over the stage select, which is the very frame the questionmark appears in the "Where should we go now, DW?" text.

You can set the timer to -0.88 and start the timer as you press start on the last text box before the stage select.

Ending the timing on the final hit on Steelbeak, like we have been doing, is good. The final hit happens 2 frames before the Heart display disappears from screen. So for precise timing we can just subtract 2 frames from that. Or. Actually just stop the timing when the heart display disappears?

What do you think?

TLDR: Start timing - When gaining control over stage select, the frame the questionmark appears in the text.

Stop timing - Final hit on Steelbeak which is 2 frames before the health display disappears.

xenkaroshi e st4nzzz ti piace questo
Info su Zimond
8 years ago
8 months ago
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Darkwing Duck (NES)
Darkwing Duck (NES)
Ultima corsa 5 years ago
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Batman: The Video Game (NES)
Batman: The Video Game (NES)
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Darkwing Duck (GB)
Darkwing Duck (GB)
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TaleSpin (NES)
TaleSpin (NES)
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TaleSpin (NES)
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Darkwing Duck (NES)
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Batman: The Video Game (NES)
Batman: The Video Game (NES)
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Bubble Bobble 4 Friends
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Final Bubble Bobble
Final Bubble Bobble
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Giochi moderati
Darkwing Duck (NES)
Darkwing Duck (NES)
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Batman: The Video Game (NES)
Batman: The Video Game (NES)
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Bubble Bobble (NES)
Bubble Bobble (NES)
Ultima azione 8 months ago
Bubble Bobble (Amiga)
Bubble Bobble (Amiga)
Ultima azione 2 years ago