WalesZigZagGamer5 years ago

Since the game's release Arcade mode only had Arcade modes for regular difficult and a Hard difficult but has also now added a "Random" course selection which is 3 new stages for Arcade mode.

What i'm trying to decide here is do we include the random stages for 100% now?

Of course the Random stages introduce elements of RNG giving you different opponents and makes the run alot longer in general but that is now the true "100%" requirement, I was thinking about adding a sub category for Arcade 100% so runs could be submitted for this new true "100%" requirement but also still have a board under Arcade 100% for the old rules of just playing through the normal and hard modes.

What do you all think? should the board just be left alone and we ignore random for 100% altogether or do we add it into it's own board?

WalesZigZagGamer6 years ago

Can we get SBR on the boards Please just feel like id like to have the high difficulty events on here because that would be fun to run the other events are all Pretty easy once you have maxed meta teams. Thanks in advance for considering!

WalesZigZagGamer6 years ago

Can we get SBR on the boards Please just feel like id like to have the high difficulty events on here because that would be fun to run the other events are all Pretty easy once you have maxed meta teams. Thanks in advance for considering!

WalesZigZagGamer6 years ago

So ive been gone a while but not off Dokkan and I see the records are drastically different... but ive been a bit of a whale on the game guys and Im back... See you soon!

WalesZigZagGamer6 years ago

I'm curious what everyone is running and how stacked their teams are and how they find it helps or impedes them from speedrunning on this game.

I currently now have 3 teams I enjoy running and 2 of them are Solid. I'm running Fusion & Realm of the gods mostly with an okay Potara too.

My Fusion consists of a Lead: 2 Dupe LR Gogeta SSJ4 Gogeta 3 dupes 100% Str Gogeta 2 Dupe Teq SSJ3 Gotenks Phys Gotenks AGL Bullpan

My realm of the gods is: Lead: UI Goku LR Goku Black/Zamasu LR Vegito blue 100% SSBKK Goku 2 Dupes AGL Rose Black 2 Dupes Str Godku

These teams all consist of units with multiple dupes or at least all available orbs open and almost all units are SA10 making speedruns so easy and it feels ridiculous now on Global.

These are definitely 2 of the best teams with Potara probably being the current best team.

WalesZigZagGamer6 years ago

What an awful page, mods don't have to record anything to prove it? lmao sounds like some mad cheating going on in here


plank piace questo
WalesZigZagGamer6 years ago

So it's clear that PC players have a massive advantage over other players and with alot of the runs using alot of time to simply sitting and loading the next fight this begs the question of whether or not we should time runs without load times.

On one hand timing with loads forces everyone to play on PC to compete and on the other hand timing without loads focuses purely on the run itself and removes the barrier for entry for those without a PC.

The big issue is that it will be very easy to time these runs for shorter Arcade mode runs but as we approach story runs with alot of loading screens this could be more hassle than it's worth, however I just wanted to make this thread to gather some ideas on what we think.

Keep it the way it is or change times to be without loads and if that's the case then should all runs not include load times or only a select amount?

WalesZigZagGamer6 years ago

This is a thread to show who's preforming the best and running the most! I hope this thread encourages people to try new runs and attempt better times, move up the rankings and see how you place in the community among others!

Full Game Runs WR = 10 points 2nd = 6 points 3rd = 4 points 4th = 2 points 5th = 1 point

IL Runs WR = 5 points 2nd = 4 3rd = 3 4th = 2 5th = 1

Rankings as of 17/03/2018

1st: Tyler_Ry74: 202 2nd: CraigThePunk: 52 3rd: ZigZagGamer: 44 4th: GingerSocrates: 32 SuperLinkGod: 30 LaceyRTSB: 28 Martinez: 28 Daniel_1RD: 24 AquaBlake: 24 Skuzzzy: 4 Topaz: 2 Kempy619: 1

AquaBlake piace questo
WalesZigZagGamer6 years ago

Now it’s not something I’ve looked at in depth yet but Tyler’s recent 4:21 with SSB Vegeta just raises some curious questions as he states Sub 4 might be possible and it got me thinking!

With current strategies and perfect AI RNG and player skill can we possibly get Sub 4 without doing anything different? We easily have 10-15 seconds to cut off from the run at this point but with the RNG of how the AI behaves will we see a perfect run?And will a perfect run with current strategies allow for a sub 4 or will we be in a situation like many combo challenges where we can only get fractions away from it but unable to achieve it.

Part of me believes Sub 4 is possible with everything on your side but the reality of getting a run so perfect and clutching it out yourself seems like something I don’t think we will see for quite some time.

We will see it one day I believe and it may be quite possibly the best Snake Way run we will ever see, however DLC is on its way and may make sub 4 less of a pipe dream and more of an obtainable reality what do you guys think? Are you up to the grind of getting sub 4 or do you think the time is already tough to lower?

I believe that no matter how well a run goes from my own level of play I find the barrier to breaking WRs is simply the AI finding ways to slow me down and that’s why I feel the time no longer depends on team setups and combos we use but more on manipulating AI behaviour

WalesZigZagGamer6 years ago

So this doesn’t necessarily need to be a thread as I’m sure everyone has seen or will see but the latest update has added 3 options at the end of an Arcade mode run these are to return to character select, return to course select or return to lobby, the loading times of returning to the lobby and then re entering was pretty huge but now for people doing arcade normal/hard or 100% can now simply return to course select and save probably a minute or more on their runs easily!

Also the update stated “Improved Arcade Mode” as it’s own thing, not sure if this is just referring to the different options at the end of the run that were added but that is listed separately so I’m curious if much has changed in Arcade mode as Snake Way appears to be no different

WalesZigZagGamer6 years ago

Just curious to know what run is everyone’s favourite? I think for myself I’m enjoying Snake Way more than anything, unlike the Combo challenges it allows for lots of competition and lots of very small optimisations bringing some amazing competition while also being a short run so it’s easy to run it in short bursts.

How about all of you? What runs do you enjoy best and why?

AquaBlake piace questo
WalesZigZagGamer6 years ago

Look to Aquas post below for DBZ Speedrun discord.

WalesZigZagGamer6 years ago

Too much Tyler on the boards for my liking, while I upload some more runs and get free time to finally grind back my Snake Way I hope to see more people challenging him, doesn't look like anyone is attempting to hit his runs... they're tight but explore strategies there's still things that are better out there and I'd like to see some people try them!

So this should be a good place to discuss any theories to improve times on different modes.

AquaBlake piace questo
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