Apulia, ItalyYuukii2 years ago

I already shared the info on Discord but it was better to make a post here so future runners can read it. When you start the level your running speed slowly increases and it takes almost 1 second to go to max. To avoid this you can apparently use the button to go sideways (on PC version i have it to TAB / Q ) to reach that max speed instantly. Here is an example:

You can clearly see how i reach the hoverboard faster on the right by doing that. It's pretty useful if you want to save a bunch of milliseconds ^-^

Apulia, ItalyYuukii2 years ago

Hi. Today i was doing blsc runs and i tried to beat my flamar time. I did many times in a row but not quite so much to beat Siegel time. At this point i checked his run to see what he was doing better than me and it felt a tiny bit slower compared to mine.. so i put both runs in a video editor and i noticed that when both runs starts at the same time ( https://prnt.sc/22ya2jm ) they desync midway ( https://prnt.sc/22ya70s ) with his run being 0.55 seconds behind on that timing (but on the same section and jump as you can see from the screen) and in the end i finish the run 2 seconds faster than him but his time is still better. With that said i am not sure if i have NTSC or PAL but does it change the timing of time trials too? I would like to try myself on an emulator but i dont know from where to start x)

EDIT: I can also record and post the desync and stuff if you want

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