discussione: Torchlight II

@celyas although glitchless would be more tecnical because you would have to actually dodge the attacks since you don't have "endless" health potion, probably half of the run would consist in waiting for your mana to charge, since you won't have mana potions

discussione: Torchlight II

We use, since most of the glitches are still doable. You can find the1.9.5.1 version on a certain bay full of scallywags.

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discussione: Torchlight II

You can't get it on steam. I emailed Runic and they said it was OK to get the version in third-party sites, since they won't be offering the option to downgrade the steam version. You can find the1.9.5.1 version on a certain bay full of scallywags.

discussione: Torchlight II

We normally have 26 points to put till end of the game (considering that you will most likely finish the game lvl 19, with "liked" as your fame lvl). It usually goes 1 Prismatic Bolt and 2 Charge mastery after the skill reset (assuming you got lvl 3 after turning the first quest, which is pretty likely), then putting Charge Mastery to lvl 5 will help with the early game, since we didn't buy potions yet. After you reach lvl 7, grab Shocking Burst (SB) and Elemental Attunement. Then we only put points while we wait for Eldrain's animation to end. Just put all in SB, and 1 more point in Elemental Attunement. When you get lvl 14, grab Frost Phase and all the Brands you can. From now on, just keep upgrading SB and the Brands whenever you can (focusing on SB).

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discussione: Torchlight II

Sure, although I don't know if the game will crash with 4 embermages glitching it all hahahah If two more people show up, we can do the routing and test it out :)

discussione: Torchlight II

I updated (more times than I should :P) the Torch 2 page at with the current WR run, looking foward to your runs!

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