Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

Update: [big][big]The autosplitter no longer needs to be manually installed!!! :D[/big][/big]

  • The autosplitter can be installed from the "Edit Splits..." dialog as explained in the OP.
  • You no longer have to worry about updates as LiveSplit will take care of it for you.
  • I've moved everything to GitHub to make things easier and more organized.

Note: You will no longer be able to add the autosplitter component to your layout; however, it will still be there if you've added it to your layout previously. I don't know if there will be any issues by having the autosplitter added in both your layout AND your splits, but I recommend removing it from your layout first.

Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

Update (v1.1.1):

  • Added "Lava Juice" split
  • Added "Seed Satchel" split
Disclude piace questo
Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

Update (v2.3.1):

  • Updated the auto reset function to only reset on HARD resets. This means it now works with S+Q categories, too.
  • Changed how splitting works upon entering dungeons. This was to eliminate that awkward delay. (It now splits during the fade out, rather than after loading the new screen)
  • Fixed issue where the autosplitter could get confused about which game was being played.
  • Fixed issue where the split textboxes in the settings panel would be empty immediately after adding the autosplitter to a layout.
  • Fixed issues with the ICS split timings for LA.
GreenTunic piace questo
Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

Hey everyone,

Here's an autosplitter I've made for Oracle of Seasons for use with LiveSplit.

The readme and source can be found here.

The readme covers installation and options of the autosplitter. If you have any questions, just give it a look first.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. I'll also use this thread to post any updates I have.

Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

Hey everyone,

Here's an autosplitter I've made for Oracle of Ages for use with LiveSplit.

The readme and script can be found here.

The readme covers installation and options of the autosplitter. If you have any questions, just give it a look first.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. I'll also use this thread to post any updates I have.

Note: Certain dungeon splits are missing from the options because they aren't needed for the current Any% routes. However, I can add them in the future if someone wants to do "All Dungeon" runs.

Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

Hey! Welcome to the community!

If you're interested in learning Any% (No SQ/WW/OoB) I'd definitely recommend Zorlax's tutorial series of videos. He's got them broken down by section and he does a really good job of explaining everything without taking too long. You can find the link for these videos in the "Guides" section here.

There's nothing wrong with watching other players' runs to learn either, though. In fact, even if you learn the run with Zorlax's videos you'll probably still want to watch some more recent runs, as some strats have recently changed.

Also, feel free to join the Discord server, too. There's always people around who are willing to help.

dmonye e TheAlmightyLucario03 ti piace questo
Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

Update (v2.3.0):

  • Added the option to enable new splits for instruments that work better with ICS in LA. The autosplitter will split when leaving the dungeon (either after success or failure of ICS) rather than when grabbing the instrument. (Selecting the option won't affect LADX)
  • Reorganized the split tabs on the settings page.
  • Fixed an issue where the "auto start" and the "auto reset" weren't working with LA.
  • Misc. code changes

Edit: Removed some debug code that I left by accident. Re-download the autosplitter if you've got an annoying message box telling you which game you're playing.

Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

Update (v2.2.2):

  • Fixed issues with some of the new splits (Tunic, L1 Sword & L2 Sword)
  • The UI will now show the default names in the textboxes (unless/until you've set your own)
Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

Update (v2.2.0):

  • Added a number of new splits (primarily for 100% categories)
  • Rewrote and streamlined the settings code
Cransoon piace questo
Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

Update (v2.1.3):

  • Drastically reduced the amount the autosplitter reads the game memory (if you're experiencing any lag in the emulator or livesplit, update to this version).
  • The auto reset can now reset after a completed run.

This should be the last update for a while (sorry for all the bumping), but if anyone is experiencing issues or has any suggestions, please let me know.

Warr90 e Cransoon ti piace questo
Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

Update (v2.1.0):

  • Added option to automatically reset the timer when you reset the ROM.
  • Refined the pointers for each emulator. The autosplitter should now be more reliable, especially for Gambatte.
Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

While it seems silly to have to specify a rule like "at least one SQ necessary", it seems sillier to me to have overlapping categories.

Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

D4 also just happens to be conveniently placed between D7 and the egg.

Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

Update (v2.0.3):

  • Now supports LA
aullos piace questo
Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

Yeah definitely. It probably won't work right now if the LA memory is laid out differently than LADX, but all I'd have to do is update some pointers. Probably wouldn't be too hard.

I'll be able to give it a look in a couple days.

Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

Update (v2.0.2):

  • The name of the .exe no longer matters. (Whichever emulator you use, whatever it's named and wherever it is, the autosplitter can find it now.)
  • Added support for BGB 1.5.2 (the newest version; if it wasn't working for you this was probably why).
  • Fixed the Gambatte pointers (it should all work with Gambatte again).
Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

Update (v2.0.1):

  • Fixed an issue with the new autostart option starting the timer prematurely.
Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

I use a dualshock 3. I use the D-pad and I have A/B mapped properly, but I use the shoulder buttons for start/select.

Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

Update (v2.0.0):

  • Added option to autostart the timer when you select the file.
  • Hopefully fixed the issue where the autosplitter could mess up your layout. (If it still does this, let me know)
  • Made major effort to clean up the source code. If you're interested in making your own changes, make sure to upgrade to this version.
Cransoon piace questo
Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

Haha, you're right. But it (like All Instuments) has lack of activity AND lack of runs. Either way, just my thoughts on the matter.

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